When timer gets to __ [2min], stop game.
How do you do it???
(This is my first time with the timer.)
Harakou wrote:
When green flag clicked wait until timer > 2 stop allMake sure it's the > symbol, not the equals symbol.
That's a nice explanation, there are a few things that could be potentially confusing.
You forgot a couple things:
When green flag clicked <- you had that reset timer <- don't forget to reset the timer otherwise it will stop almost immediately wait until timer > 120 <- the timer counts in seconds, not in minutes* stop all <- that or gameover logic, but you had it correct
*The counter counts by 0.1, so it counts every tenth of a second. Because Scratch operates a C block in 1/40th of a second, and stack blocks a little faster, it may miss the queue if you use '=' instead of '>.' If you want real accuracy, make it:
wait until timer > 119.9
but it doesn't really matter.