It used to be (not that long ago) that you could count on Dress Up games taking at least 2 of the 3 Top Viewed spots pretty much every day. Now, they are quite rare. So where did they all go?
Well my memory test is a dress up.
JSO, that is true. I got the idea of a dress up idea for the memory by seeing a tutorial to do dress ups.
*gasp* you don't like smash bros?!
Well people just probably got interested in making different projects. They were a fad, like SSB games are now (probably because of Brawl). That and a lot of people flagged them as inappropriate for no apparent reason.
Well maybe there where so many of them that it got boring after a while.
I don't like smash bros. also, i certainly miss seeing all those dress up games dominating the top viewed. *sigh* So many people have left.
It's not very good but here's one of the dress up games that i've made.
oops i thought it would post it as a link
horselover wrote:
It's not very good but here's one of the dress up games that i've made.
In order to post as a link it needs to be on it's own line with no period or other punctuation at the end.
ok thanks for letting me know
People don't like dress up. I do! look for coconutcream. I have alot of dress up games. Also look up dress up neer the scratch.You'll get alot of them. People that do dress up games also have alot of dress up games for favorits. I know I do. Dress up games havent disapered though.
I have a couple of dress up games [block][/blocks]