Hey everybody.
I'm new here. You can call me Jaws; it's easier to type, not to mention easier to read.
So far and so will be, all my projects revolve around terrorizing stick figures. It's a start.
Thanks for reading this, I'd love to hear from you.
Hello! Welcome to Scratch! I'm glad to see that you seem to have a positive attitude, I like that around here. If you have any questions, the All About Scratch forum is the place to go; usually some smart person will be there to answer it!
Wazzup and welcome to Scratch
If you have any questions feel free to ask us
Welcome, Jaws!
I hope you have a nice stay here at... whoops! I forgot, this isn't a hotel! XD Anyway, welcome to Scratch! Any questions? All About Scratch is the place to ask! "No question is to BASIC!"
Welcome to Scratch! It's absolutely thrilling to see some new faces around here
We have a very unique community in that almost all of us love to help one another out... So if you ever need any help, we're all here for you! Just post a new topic in the "All About Scratch" forum and somebody will help you as soon as they can. If nobody comes to help you, just ask me via comment to help you and I'll try my best, but I'm not experienced in every area of programming, so I can't make an guarantees.
Other than that, welcome welcome welcome!