I can't seem to figure out how to copy one section of an image to another image.
Is this not possible in Scratch?
I want to select a section of one sprite, copy just that area, then paste it onto another sprite. I tried the usual Ctrl + C to copy after selecting the area, then
Ctrl + V to paste once in the other sprite, but for some reason that does not work.
What is the method of doing this in Scratch? ... or is there no way?
Is there some sort of instruction manual for such hidden commands in Scratch or do none exist. If none exist then that is a major inconvenience which should be remedied with some added code to Scratch.
Well, you could copy the Sprite, then edit it so that you erase everything except the needed part. Then fill in the rest. If you're talking about, say, Cloud's hair on Mario, I can't help you.
Well copy the costume, cut out the thing you want to copy. Then you export the costume and go into the one you want to copy too and then finaly import the cut out image...
So, in other words, the Scratch sprite editor becomes virtually useless as it'll take me twice as long to do anything in it?
So, I'd be better off to use an outside sprite editor like GraphicsGale?
That's a shame since I was really enjoying the odd seperation of the sprites.
It makes Scratch unique, but copying and pasting parts of one frame into another is probably THE most common, most used, and most useful things to have. Why these "super-intelligent" MIT geeks left it out is beyond me.
Maybe they are forcing us to re-draw everything relevant in each frame so as to become better artists or something like that, I dunno. Anyway, I want his hair to constantly move (which uses 2 frames) and I copied one of those frames then edited the mouth so it's open (he's going to use tongue like a frog), and that's fine, but now I need for the hair to change while the mouth is still open (looking the same) ...
This is one of the many reasons such a commonly used feature is needed.
Guess for now I'm going to use jonnydean1's idea.
Thank You guys.
Well, I suppose if you want the mouth and hair to be pretty much separate from eachother, you could make two sprites; one for the hair and the rest of his body, and one for the mouth. You'd have to cut his mouth out of the body, though. Still, it's far better.
I think you're being a bit negative here. Scratch isn't intended to be an advanced language. It was designed to be easy to learn and approachable. Yes, there are plenty of features that baffle us as to why they aren't there, but we've learned to live without some of it. (Besides, the Scratch Team has been faithfully adding features with each update. Believe it or not, at one time, Scratch didn't even have a text input function.) And you can always just use a separate paint editor; that's what most Scratchers that are serious about their art do.
Last edited by Harakou (2010-07-28 15:59:28)
I don't know why you are trying to start an argument Harakou. I simply pointed something out. Am I not allowed to be a little disappointed about it?
If you're talking about the ""super-intelligent" MIT geeks" part, all I'm saying is that there's a stereotype of MIT folks being far beyond the above average mark. Maybe they went too far past and missed the common perspective. Haha .. I mean almost all the graphics/animation editors have some way to paste a section of a sprite in one frame into another frame. Maybe it's just so common that they missed it ya know.
<shrugs> If you took offense to that then I'm sorry... that you're so up-tight. ;P
Haha, I've probably wasted more time typing about this nonsense than I would have spent on making the sprites.
I'm not being that negative really, but I am allowed to be if I want you know.
It's great that Scratch is fun and creative and easily shared, and I'm sure the Scratch Team has added more than their fair share and I appreciate that, but that doesn't mean that I can't point something out that they may or may not have noticed was missing. And it's definitely missed by many, i'm sure of that.
Let's keep it respectful here, guys - calling somebody uptight is not the kind of behaviour we like to promote
I don't think Harakou was trying to start an argument, s/he was just pointing out that there's a lot of features already in Scratch and this will probably come with time. Just be patient.
However, I think an actual (not emulated) Copy & Paste is a must for Scratch 2.0, no?
Wow ... "up-tight" used in a joking manner is bad here?
Guess I better watch what I say like a hawk then cause I can't get much more PC than that. I hear ya though, I have noticed alot less arguments here than on other sites and that's a very good thing. No dis-respect meant.
Yes, a real copy & paste is a definite must have.
MabonBaladevaKain wrote:
Wow ... "up-tight" used in a joking manner is bad here
Don't worry too much about it - it's just a little hard to tell who's joking or not on the internet and some people could interpret it in the wrong way
coolstuff wrote:
MabonBaladevaKain wrote:
Wow ... "up-tight" used in a joking manner is bad here
Don't worry too much about it - it's just a little hard to tell who's joking or not on the internet and some people could interpret it in the wrong way
To add on to what coolstuff said:
One of the values that the Scratch Team likes to emphasize is the idea of respect and keeping the website friendly. While it is fine to express criticisms of Scratch, it is best if they were expressed in a constructive and respectful manner.
No offense taken. We're really not uptight; we just want to make sure people aren't rude here. And like coolstuff said, sarcastic jokes can really be misinterpreted easily.
Also, no problems with expressing desire for a proper cut/paste system either; we'd all like it. Just be nice. (Which most people here are. You seem a bit defensive from dealing with flamers on other parts of the internet, if you don't mind me saying.
You're quite right Harakou. I'm not really used to nice people.
It's harder to adjust than I thought, but I am trying.
If I sound rude or anything in the future just know that I don't mean to be and give me a little reminder. This place could do me a world of good.
Sometimes attitude is expressed in my words which I don't even realise is there.
I know the psychology behind it because I've studied myself.
It's pent up anger from encountering so many bad things and so much negative emotion/energy/events/people over the years. Alot of what I say gets misconstrued because of my poorly worded text combined with an unstoppable overflow of mindnumbingly negative energy.
I think you've summed up what we all have (at least a little bit) inside us all. Thanks for being understanding and level-headed. I look forward to seeing your contributions in the future.
Last edited by Harakou (2010-07-30 00:23:52)