epic-dude wrote:
i do not like pony's really, i think scratch's maskot should be a chineas dragon.
Okay,I know the Scratch team doesnt want to do chatrooms,but instead,what if you could type people's usernames into a box in a chatroom that you are alone in and when you press enter or press send the person would get an invite?It wouldnt be cluttered.
I dont think the Scratch team has an exuse now...
If that does happen i think there should be a list of online freinds too.Plus that would be nice anyway .
zeusoflightning wrote:
Okay,I know the Scratch team doesnt want to do chatrooms,but instead,what if you could type people's usernames into a box in a chatroom that you are alone in and when you press enter or press send the person would get an invite?It wouldnt be cluttered.
I dont think the Scratch team has an exuse now...
Hmm, I think that the ST have clearly stated that they don't want any chatrooms of any sort. It would pull away from the purpose of the website and forums.
Id suggest instead of a chatroom,a direct chat as a option after clicking someones username.
Also it wouldnt beacause forums are basicly like chatrooms but way cluttered and hard to navigate,plus HOW would it pull away from the use of the website?Plus many people want to be able to talk without cluttering up comments and having to refresh to get a reply.
If you dont,well,your problem beacause then (I think) people would like scratch more if that did happen.
zeusoflightning wrote:
If you dont,well,your problem beacause then (I think) people would like scratch more if that did happen.
End of me in this argument but please listen.
I am looking forward to Scratch Day and the (I hope) Scratch 2.0 tryout!
I think that the tryout should be up all the time, and just updated when an update is available, so we can use it sooner!
AOEmaster wrote:
More sprites from the folder would be helpful, like gun sprites for fps games, or sprites from classic games like "Super Mario Bros." or "Zelda".
They'd be copyrighted.
I thought of something cool! If ur computer has a camera, make a motion sensor! (Sorry if that will make scratch paid, just a cool idea for Scratch 2.0)
BOBBYBOB3 wrote:
I thought of something cool! If ur computer has a camera, make a motion sensor! (Sorry if that will make scratch paid, just a cool idea for Scratch 2.0)
That's coming in 2.0.
I'm not sure if this has already been suggested or not, but maybe a pause, fast forward, and rewind function in the sounds section.
One issue I have is not being able to tell Scratch which direction a sprite is initially pointing in.
E.g. If a pupil makes a rocket ship, they draw it pointing straight up and when they give the move command they are suprised that it move right
To them, its obvious that the rocket is pointing up and its very tricky to explain to a 6/7 year old the concept that Scratch ALWAYS assumes that it is pointing right.
Now there are many work-arounds such as drawing rocket verticaly, turn it in costume editor before finishing or draw rocket horizontally pointing right - then afterwards put a Point in Direction 0 at start of script but it would be much easier to draw the rocket vertically and then use a "Set Direction as 0" type block.
I can't see anything yet in 2.0 that would let us do that but please point out if it can (or even if I've missed something in 1.4 )
In case you are thinking, why not just simply draw rocket vertically and use the Change Y block to move it, I feel the Move block is much easier to understand at the younger end of Scratchers age and wouldn't involve any change X/Y concepts.
Is there any support for such an addition?
Something I just thought of, is maybe in the paint editor, you could have sort of like a tape measure tool, wich will tell you how tall or wide something is in x or y value. This would be better that editing, realizing you made it to small, editing again, going way to far, ect. And maybe another for the screen, to tell you how big you need it.
Last edited by sonicfan12p (2012-05-21 14:18:09)
sonicfan12p wrote:
Something I just thought of, is maybe in the paint editor, you could have sort of like a tape measure tool, wich will tell you how tall or wide something is in x or y value. This would be better that editing, realizing you made it to small, editing again, going way to far, ect. And maybe another for the screen, to tell you how big you need it.
Yeah, that would be so cool.
The screen is always 480x360 btw.
I know, but each coordinate is so small, it's almost impossible to eye those measurements.
I thought of a suggestion, and it will be in scratch 2.0!
Last edited by bluecat600 (2012-06-16 03:28:56)
wahoo77 wrote:
plz add an option to show and hide lists
I think that will happen in 2.0, but I'm not sure...