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ok. so i was "wandering around scratch forums and saw that over half of the posters have a picture under there post! all in all... i',m jealous . could you tell me how too make one???
It's your signature. In the forums, go to your profile, then click on "Personality," and edit your signature. You can use the [img] tag to post a picture from the internet. Just use this format: [img]url[/img]
It's called a signature, and you click on 'Profile' at the top of the Forums. Then you click on 'Personality.' There, you can enter text or image codes. Image codes look like this:
To get an image code for an image you already have, you can upload it at a website like TinyPic and then paste the code into your signature.
Last edited by rufflebee (2010-07-25 21:12:29)
Unfortunately, pictures don't always work out perfectly in signatures. In your current signature you seem to have a broken picture link. Here's a hint; if you're putting a picture into your signature that already exists somewhere on the internet, right-click it, and select "Copy Image URL". Then post it in your signature in-between two img tags. For example;
results in
Hope this helps, and Scratch On!
Last edited by JeanTheFox (2010-07-26 09:11:31)
It seems you have tried to make your image a scratch project, you cant do that, it had to be an image.
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Pages: 1