32nd PAGE! (at least under my settings which are the regular) better?
Last edited by Pecola1 (2010-12-16 19:40:44)
NOTE: I had this idea before you Pecola1!
32 pages. This is one of the biggest forums.
82 Scratch blocks, 73 BYOB blocks, and 35 Panther blocks. A total of 190 blocks! There is no one who put that many blocks together!
18 Scratch blocks contributors, 17 BYOB blocks contributors, and 6 Panther blocks contributors. A total of 41 contributors! Tons of Scratcher contribute to this.
Oh, and this forum constantly has new and unique additions, blocks, posts, and contributors.
Who did all of this? Why sparks.
And so...
Umm... cool? XD
Anyway, congrats for getting your Certificate of Pure Awesomeness, sparks! XD
Thanks so much SSBBM, I will treasure it forever (not a joke)!
Here are some more ideas I have for the library:
A christmasy version of the current block library image I put at the head of all the library posts (I can turn this into a friendly competition if you like, or get nXIII, the person who made the image in the first place to do it).
Linking contributor names to their scratch page. (in the statistics, not next to blocks, there's already so much bbcode I can barely read it without a load of extra URL tag! )
Pecola, delete the disableprogrammerfacilities for everyone. It makes every block unusable and depending on if you have fillscreen on or off it either turns red or an error message pops up.
SSBBM wrote:
NOTE: I had this idea before you Pecola1!
32 pages. This is one of the biggest forums.
82 Scratch blocks, 73 BYOB blocks, and 35 Panther blocks. A total of 190 blocks! There is no one who put that many blocks together!
18 Scratch blocks contributors, 17 BYOB blocks contributors, and 6 Panther blocks contributors. A total of 41 contributors! Tons of Scratcher contribute to this.
Oh, and this forum constantly has new and unique additions, blocks, posts, and contributors.
Who did all of this? Why sparks.
And so...
http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/2906 … ibrary.png
I can't even see the photo because it is from image shack! Could you give me one I can see! PLEASE. LIKE WEEBLY? OR AT LEAST TELL ME WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!
Last edited by Pecola1 (2010-12-17 10:20:32)
StrykerV wrote:
Pecola, delete the disableprogrammerfacilities for everyone. It makes every block unusable and depending on if you have fillscreen on or off it either turns red or an error message pops up.
OK. Thanks for testing it for us! You were very brave. (I deleted the code but left the pictures for memories.)
Last edited by Pecola1 (2010-12-17 10:10:09)
Hey can someone comment on my weebly ? (Exact link)
Last edited by Pecola1 (2010-12-17 10:09:14)
Christmas is nearly here and I'm feeling festive! It's time to deck the halls with bells and holly and give the block library a christmasy image!
The competition:
Edit or replace the block library header image to make it look festive and christmassy!
The rules:
♦ As many entries per Scratcher as he or she wish to submit!
♦ Must keep the dimensions (640X210 px) of the original header (download it and edit it directly!
♦ The winner will be chosen by my brother, who is studying art, so as to provide an impartial, unbiased descision.
♦ Even though you can heavily edit or completely change the original image for something else, make sure that "Block library" remains visible on the image!
♦ You must draw the image yourself. You can use software and paint editors all you like, but no nicking the graphics off of the internet! (you can still take graphics from scratch or other programs on your computer though)
Things to think about:
You don't have to keep to the original style of the image, sketching out a copy of it or changing the style might have a great effect! Try to make it look festive, you can go for traditional christmas images like tinsel and presents, try for the more outdoorsy snowmen and robins, a family christmas, an abstract representantation or anything else, think outside the box!
The competition will close on the twenty-first of december, so send them in then for a chance to see your design replace the current block library image until January the first!
If there are 12 entries or more, I will put the top 12 on for the 12 days of christmas, the winner stays on for the rest of the time.
Have fun! I hope to see lots of entries!
Last edited by sparks (2010-12-17 15:43:37)
can someone give me the code for the hide block <hide> :\
sparks, are we allowed to save pictures of blocks and add them? Or do we have to draw the blocks if we wan't more?
Pecola1 wrote:
sparks, are we allowed to save pictures of blocks and add them? Or do we have to draw the blocks if we wan't more?
Sure, you can use block images! I;ll make that clearer in the rules!
sparks wrote:
Pecola1 wrote:
sparks, are we allowed to save pictures of blocks and add them? Or do we have to draw the blocks if we wan't more?
Sure, you can use block images! I;ll make that clearer in the rules!
Thanks! I've already started!
Here mine is! All my edits are blocks! (the snow men type things are number inserts)
Due to uploading to weebly I had to change the size so here is the download.
Current entries
Shared by Pecola1
Shared by SSBBM
Shared by Pecola1
^ back to competition post
Last edited by sparks (2010-12-20 09:05:05)
In the Vpan blocks, if you type 10 it will auctually change the stages y position by -10.
here is a way to change that:
go to Scratch-objects> ScratchStageMorph> looks ops> changeVpanBy: and set
changeVPanBy: t1 vPan _ vPan - t1 truncated. self changed
changeVPanBy: t1 vPan _ vPan + t1 truncated. self changed
now go to setVpanTo: and change
setVPanTo: t1 vPan _ t1 truncated. self changed
setVPanTo: t1 vPan _ (0 - t1) truncated. self changed
this will align the Ypos and Vpan
By the way i am working on a |StampToX:Y:| block but i can't get it to work
here's what i have:
| t3 | self gotoX: t1 y: t2. self step. (t3 _ self ownerThatIsA: ScratchStageMorph) ifNotNil: [t3 stampCostume: self]
Can you please tell me why this is not working?
Last edited by hello12345678910 (2010-12-17 18:56:29)
I finally updated the BYOB block directory on my site!
meowmeow55 wrote:
I finally updated the BYOB block directory on my site!
What site?
hello12345678910 wrote:
meowmeow55 wrote:
I finally updated the BYOB block directory on my site!
What site?
um... I need help. I want to copy and paste things into the scratch browser (for makeing blocks), and when I press ctrl and v I get TO (T O as in my first and last name) then the date and time! Am I doing something wrong?
owetre18 wrote:
um... I need help. I want to copy and paste things into the scratch browser (for makeing blocks), and when I press ctrl and v I get TO (T O as in my first and last name) then the date and time! Am I doing something wrong?
Use alt instead of control. I wonder why they made it like that...
More blocks:
Go to random x/y position:
('go to random x-y position' #- #randxypos)
randxypos self gotoX: (self randomFrom: -240 to: 240) y: (self randomFrom: -180 to: 180)
Distance to given point:
('distance to x %n y %n' #r #dist:and:)
dist: t1 and: t2 ^ (self xpos - t1 * (self xpos - t1) + (self ypos - t2 * (self ypos - t2))) abs sqrt
Reports greater value of two numbers:
('greater of %n and %n' #r #greater:and:)
greater: t1 and: t2 t1 > t2 ifTrue: [^ t1]. ^ t2
Reports lesser value of two numbers:
('lesser of %n and %n' #r #lesser:and:)
lesser: t1 and: t2 t1 < t2 ifTrue: [^ t1]. ^ t2
Tells whether or not pen is down:
('Pen down?' #b #penDownorUp)
penDownorUp ^ penDown
Gives a random truth value:
('true or false' #b #truefalse)
truefalse | t3 t4 t5 | t3 _ 1 min: 2. t4 _ 1 max: 2. t5 _ RandomGen next * (t4 - t3) + t3. t3 isInteger & t4 isInteger ifTrue: [t5 _ (RandomGen next * (t4 + 1 - t3)) truncated + t3] ifFalse: [t5 _ RandomGen next * (t4 - t3) + t3]. t5 = 1 ifTrue: [^ true]. t5 = 2 ifTrue: [^ false]
Gives one of the inputs, randomly. These are 2 blocks.
('%s or %s' #r #a:orb:) ('%b or %b' #b #a:orb:)
a: hi orb: bye | t3 t4 t5 | t3 _ 1 min: 2. t4 _ 1 max: 2. t5 _ RandomGen next * (t4 - t3) + t3. t3 isInteger & t4 isInteger ifTrue: [t5 _ (RandomGen next * (t4 + 1 - t3)) truncated + t3] ifFalse: [t5 _ RandomGen next * (t4 - t3) + t3]. t5 = 1 ifTrue: [^ hi]. t5 = 2 ifTrue: [^ bye]
Joins the two values with a space in between.
('join %s and %s with a space' #r #join:spaces: #hello #world)
join: t1 spaces: t2 ^ t1 asString asUTF8 , ' ' , t2 asString asUTF8
The key [^] pressed block with a string input instead.
('key %s pressed?' #b #keyPressed:)
no code needed
Asks the input in a dialog box and reports the value.
('ask %s and report' #r #ask:)
ask: t1 | t2 | t2 _ StringDialog ask: t1. ^ t2