Dear Fellow Scratchers,
I'm launching a project called Dungeon City. Good name, no? However, I'm about run out of ideas. Can anyone PLEASE give me some ideas? As I do not know how to create a battle scene or something like that, the game HAS to be a puzzle-platformer. I sort-of know the storyplan, but about the later parts I'm not sure. I'm working on this project with a friend of mine, called Helltank. If you have any ideas for the both of us, please reply to this message.
Ohmygawd :-)
maybe, you have ideas, if you see this ?
ohmygawd wrote:
Dear Fellow Scratchers,
I'm launching a project called Dungeon City. Good name, no? However, I'm about run out of ideas. Can anyone PLEASE give me some ideas? As I do not know how to create a battle scene or something like that, the game HAS to be a puzzle-platformer. I sort-of know the storyplan, but about the later parts I'm not sure. I'm working on this project with a friend of mine, called Helltank. If you have any ideas for the both of us, please reply to this message.
Ohmygawd :-)
I thought I'm working with you?
I will try to give ideas.
I'm a lazy person who does not like to work on DC
This looks like it would fit nicely in the Project Ideas forum...I'll put it over there.