I know this has been suggested in the past, but this is my version of it. After the RHY "Summer" thread, it reminded me of this, which I had thought of a few months ago. There should be a rating or warning system for Scratch, but not like ESRB for video games, but more like Addicting Games. Next to a game, there is a little bomb icon that if you hover over it tells you if the game includes violence, foul language, etc. The rules would still apply for no extremely bloody or violent projects, but at least projects wouldn't be deleted unnecessarily.
So, does anyone agree with me?
I don't use Addicting Games, but is it similar to the one at Newgrounds?
Blade-Edge wrote:
I don't use Addicting Games, but is it similar to the one at Newgrounds?
On AddictingGames, a bomb icon is an Innapropiate Game Warning.