Post your ideas in here about new Blocks for Scartch 2.0
-Like This-
[copy sprite (sprite 1)]
I think they should make WWSC (World Wide Scratch Connection). So here are a couple of blocks for that idea...
Online Blocks-
[Make session called ( )]
[Join session( )]
[Disconnect from current session]
<Connected to server?>
Sprite Blocks-
[Copy sprite ( )and name { }]
[Delete sprite ( )]
[Draw sprite]
Sound blocks-
[record sound for ( ) seconds and name ( )]
[record voice for ( ) seconds and sound to text]
[Take picture and make sprite ( )]
[Take video and make sprite ( )]---The video would have costumes for the video.
Those are all my ideas, post your ideas, please!
How do you sound to text? Text to sound makes more sense..
Not really, you would have voice recognition.
jargantic99 wrote:
Not really, you would have voice recognition.
Are you crazy. Voice recognition would be impossible in scratch.
other idea's
[make list ( )]
[add to list ( )]
[delete list ( )]
[delete item ( ) in list ( )]
[make variable (Answer)]
[set variable ( ) to ( )]
[change variable ( ) by]
never mind about it, post your ideas!
[Repeat ( ) Secs]
[ Comment [______] ]
(Players name)
<touching stamp of [______]>
<touching pen of [______]>
[clean [pen/stamps] of [_____]]
<[left/top/right/bottom] of [_____] is touching [______]>
[Go to random spot]
(Distance to point Y: X
[Point towards point Y: X:]
<touching any sprite>
<(___) is between (___) and (___)>
[Stop script [1/2/3/4/all] of sprite [______]]
[Duplicate me and add scripts [1/2/3/4/all] of [______]]
[Delete sprite [_____]]
( (_) and (_) )
Sound > Text is a load harder than it sounds due to the fact that there are billions of words and scratch is for every language, not everyone has a microphone, ambient noise may be too high for some and its REALLY REALLY hard to make, even microsofts one barely works.
It would have much use anyhows as they can just type it if they want to say something.
how do you post pics like that!?!
I see some great suggestions going on in this thread!
But as others have said, voice recognition is pretty difficult to do right now, and I doubt the Scratch team would be the first to do it
ok, what are your ideas for the next version of scratch?
my only one is:
this would make SO many things better.