I'm trying to make a sort of Launcher game where you launch an object as far as possible but cant get my ground to move with underneth the object as it moves can you help?
<when green flag clicked>
<repeat until><touching[ ground
<if><touching[ edge
<broadcast[ change
Put that script in whatever is being launched.
Now, put this script in the ground.
<when I receive[ change
<next costume>
Make sure the ground has different costumes, so when it changes, it looks like the ground is moving.
I believe that should do it.
Yes I was thinking about this but a was also thinking about the sort of script in the game Kitten Cannon → http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/bosox397/364195. Unfortunatly I can't make head nor tail of it so am struggling to put it in my own game.
Here is one I just helped someone with (their script btw, not mine) maybe it will help. It uses 2 images that scroll horizontally forever.
Infinite Side Scroller