The title explains it.
I've downloaded scratch before, ON THIS COMPUTER, same user, nothing happened between now and then.
But when I was downloading it at a friends, he said as long as I got scratch into my applications folder, it would work, and you don't have to keep the thing that looks like a server(Just forgot what it was, forgive me)
So I did, and then this happened.
I reinstalled it, did everything I could,
but nothing works...
and so here I am.
And if I'm just missing something, like a already made help file that helps with this, forgive me about that too.
"Master of the Internet"(Not really!)
I'm going to need to leave at 5, and it's 4:30.
Then I'll be gone till seven.
If I don't respond then, it's because I'm gone.
Hi fireyt,
could you please tell us some more details, like: Which version of Scratch are you trying to install (Windows, Mac, XO or Linux?). What exactly is it that will not work? Does the Scratch Window start, or are you getting a pink error box?
Oh, now I get it (I read the title of this thread, duh...)!
The problem seems to be that you've got more than one .image file in your scratch folder. Try this:
1) uninstall Scratch
2) manually delete the Scratch folder on your hard drive
3) reinstall Scratch
Did that help?
Er, not really, sorry.
I already tried that.
It's for mac also.
But I really would not like to have to destroy my already made scratch projects...
ok, thank you for your help!
you can close the thread now or whatever.= )