Changing the logo is easy:
1. Exit user mode (shift click on Extras in Chirp or in the Source Code Scratch)
2. Select the SketchMorph containing the logo
(middle click four times on the logo)
3. (Left-) Click on the gray pencil-halo (it says: Repaint me)
4. You can now edit the logo in the Scratch Paint-Editor
Select OK to accept / cancel to - well - cancel.
Note: Text input will be lost when pressing ok.
(You can also import an external image into the paint editor, or directly into the ScratchSkin dictionary, which is what I prefer).
Chirp bugfixes regarding Vista
I just noticed and fixed two little glitches that affected using Chirp under Vista:
1. The screensaver module used to cause an execution level pop-up.
2. The shortcuts created by the ChirpInstaller were sometimes broken, resulting in nasty "select an image file" dialogs.
These bugfixes only affect the Windows screensaver extension of Chirp and the Windows installer under Vista. If you would like Chirp to install flawlessly under Vista and the screensaver to stop nagging you with request-admin-level pop-ups, please download the ChirpInstaller and reinstall Chirp on your computers (Remember, you need to have Scratch v.1.2.1 properly set up before running the ChirpInstaller).
there are three ways:
open it (temporary), make it default, or make scratch ask you.
For all ways, change chirp.remix to anything with a .image ending.
to open it, simply open it like a document (make sure you chose scratch if you have squeak although it doesn't really matter).
to make it default, name it exactly Scratch.image (with a capital S). Go to the folder where scratch is installed and rename the original Scratch.image (the one that came with scratch) anything.image. DO NOT DELETE THE ORIGINAL SCRATCH.IMAGE IF YOU WANT TO USE SCRATCH'S FEATURES LIKE SHARING ON THIS SITE! Now, put the new Scratch.image (the one that was once chirp.remix) in the folder where scratch is installed. When scratch opens, chirp will be default but you can access regular scratch by opening the renamed original scratch.image.
to make scratch choose, simply rename or move scratch.image (found in the same folder as scratch). When scratch opens, select the image to load.
[blocks]<think[ Wow! worfaniggles is awesome!]>[/blocks]
Jens wrote:
I have tested the Screensaver under Windows XP and ME. I would be grateful if someone could test it under Vista and tell me if it works.
The archive file works on vista.
I think I've found a bug, if you open a project on Chirp and go into presentation mode more than once it starts showing bits of the window such as sprites and the scratch logo which make it very hard to do anything.
Hmmm... strange, because I didn't change anything for a couple of months, and it used to work fine. You know, I have noticed this behaviour recently, too. But until now I've attributed it to the new Vista computer I've got... I'll check into this, as I'm considering a new release anyway. Did you notice this with the compiler, also (because I didn't)?
how do you open the source code?
download it at /pages/source
please can i have a thing to export a costume/sprite as a XML SGML file instead of just scripts and exprot them as their own type of file + make a project on how to do it
nooooooooo it doesn't work on mac
likegames wrote:
please can i have a thing to export a costume/sprite as a XML SGML file instead of just scripts and exprot them as their own type of file + make a project on how to do it
I'm actually thinking about something like an XML-based "open project file format". But I'm not really sure what the advantages would be. After all, you can export all the media components to separate files already, and Chirp lets you save all your individual scripts to XML as well.
AlanProjects wrote:
nooooooooo it doesn't work on mac
Chirp should work on Macs, too: Download the zip file, uncompress it to your Scratch folder. Drag the file named "chirp.remix" and drop it on the file named "". That should do it.
Jens wrote:
likegames wrote:
please can i have a thing to export a costume/sprite as a XML SGML file instead of just scripts and exprot them as their own type of file + make a project on how to do it
I'm actually thinking about something like an XML-based "open project file format". But I'm not really sure what the advantages would be. After all, you can export all the media components to separate files already, and Chirp lets you save all your individual scripts to XML as well.
AlanProjects wrote:
nooooooooo it doesn't work on mac
Chirp should work on Macs, too: Download the zip file, uncompress it to your Scratch folder. Drag the file named "chirp.remix" and drop it on the file named "". That should do it.
thats what i tried. it didn't work. nor did "open with" scratch.
Hmm... Are you sure the files and chirp.remix are in the same directory? Did you then drop chirp.remix on Sorry if this doesn't work for you. I'm somewhat at loss here, because I don't own a mac, but I have heard from other users that they were able to run Chirp that way. Maybe someone else can chime in and explain how they did it.
Jens wrote:
Hmm... Are you sure the files and chirp.remix are in the same directory? Did you then drop chirp.remix on Sorry if this doesn't work for you. I'm somewhat at loss here, because I don't own a mac, but I have heard from other users that they were able to run Chirp that way. Maybe someone else can chime in and explain how they did it.
i just put em in the same directory and tried it. it still doesn't work.
No, on a Mac, if you're just using a regular directory, you specifically have to pick up the image file (called "chirp.remix") and drop it onto the VM (called "") to launch Chirp.
i found that if you rename it to "chirp.image" it works, but the ".image" extension is a squek image file. you should change that on the install instructions for mac. anyway, Looks great!
Aha! Thanks for informing me about this. You can rename the chirp.remix file safely, it doesn't affect it. I chose the extension *.remix, so the virtual machine won't get confused if there are more than one image file in the same folder.
Okay... I've downloaded chirp... it's a bit confusing... does it work with 1.3?
registeel, Chirp is based on Scratch 1.2.1 and uses that file format. Therefore you can currently open projects created with Chirp in Scratch 1.3 but not the other way round. Right now I'd suggest not to use Chirp at all, because Scratch 1.3 is much nicer and has more (interesting) features. When the source code comes out, I'll update Chirp, so you can use the screensaver and the compiler with your Scratch 1.3 projects.
Hi Jens-
I spent about 20 minutes the other night trying to write a text-to-blocks editor in an obscure dialect of BASIC. I'm interested in how Chirp exports color data; I exported a script using <touching color> blocks and the color argument came out as an eleven-character string of numbers. This doesn't seem to be RGB, HSV, LAB, HEX, CMYK, or any other format for storing colors that I know of. Could you please explain a bit about how that works? Thanks!
Hi fullmoon,
wow, that sounds exciting! In fact, this is exactly what I hoped people would use the experimental XML interface for - to open up Scratch to work with other applications written in different programming languages. Kudos!
I remember that converting colors into strings was a tricky issue and that I used a "dirty" hack for this. I'll try to find out exactly which rule Chirp uses for this and tell you about it here as soon as I do. I'm really excited to see your text-to-blocks editor!
Jens wrote:
Hi fullmoon,
wow, that sounds exciting! In fact, this is exactly what I hoped people would use the experimental XML interface for - to open up Scratch to work with other applications written in different programming languages. Kudos!
I remember that converting colors into strings was a tricky issue and that I used a "dirty" hack for this. I'll try to find out exactly which rule Chirp uses for this and tell you about it here as soon as I do. I'm really excited to see your text-to-blocks editor!
Thanks for your enthusiasm but don't expect anything interesting soon-I've implemented a whopping THREE (3) blocks as of yet. The really hard part will be trying to build a decent debugger. I more or less gave up on it since it didn't seem very efficient but with your interest I think I'll start again, maybe in a more cross-platform language. Thanks!
As an update, I've more or less finalized the syntax for the mystical ScratchText converter. For my sanity, I've decided to put all arguments at the end of a command:
"move 10 steps" becomes:
Multiple parameters follow the same rule:
Grouping symbols work the same way they do in normal languages (the thought of making a PERMDAS evaluator makes me cringe):
Variables don't require parenthesis (yet):
I've decided to use the command "set" or "change" for pretty much everything:
_ghost.set(15) _size.change(5-var)
Conditionals work without grouping symbols, relying on line breaks instead:
if(touching.sprite1) hide else show endIf
As for script headers, they'll either be selected within the interface or similar to this:
onFlagClick: $this is a comment! <no, wait, this is!> endScript
Using properties:
_x.set(_tempo-_volume) $all properties have an underscore in front of them so they're not confused with variables.
Properties from other sprites:
if(var1=var2) $the "==" operator isn't needed because "=" isn't used for setting variables #as you can see, I'm still not sure how to denote comments ;)
say("Hola Queso":2)
And finally, colors:
_penColor.set(#FFFFFF) #or _penColor.set(255:255:255)
If I'm forgetting anything (and I'm sure I am), hopefully the below guide can answer it. Based off the order of the blocks in the blocks area:
Motion: moveSteps(10) turnDegreesCC(15) turnDegreesCCW(15) pointDir(90) pointTowards(sprite1) _pos.set(0:0) goto(sprite1) glide(0:0,1) _x.change(10) _x.set(0) _y.change(10) _y.set(0) ifOnEdgeBounce _x _y _dir Looks: _costume.set(costume) nextCostume _costume say("hello!",2) say("hello") think("hmm...",2) think("hmm...") _color.change(25) _color.set(0) clearGE _size.change(10) _size.set(100) _size show hide goToFront gobackLayers(1) Sounds playSound(meow) playSoundWait(meow) stopAllSounds playDrum(48,0.2) rest(0.2) playNote(60,0.5) setInstrument(1) _volume.change(-10) _volume.set(100) _volume _tempo.change(20) _tempo.set(60) _tempo Pen clear penDown penUp _penColor.set([color]) _penColor.change(10) _penColor.set(0) _penShade.change(10) _penShade.set(50) _penSize.change(1) _penSize.set(1) stamp onFlagClick onKey(space) onClick waitSec(1) forever/endF repeat(10)/endR broadcast(jump) broadcastWait(jump) onReceive(jump) foreverIf/endF if/endIf if/else/endIf waitUntil(var=0) repUntil(var=0)/endR stopScript stopAll Sensing mouseX _mouseY mouseDown? keypressed?(space) touchingColor?([color]) colorsTouching([color],[color]) distanceTo(sprite) _timer.reset _timer _x.sprite1 _loudness _loud? sensorVal(slider) sensor?(buttonPressed) Numbers: x+y x-y x*y x/y pickRand(1:10) x<y x=y x>y (boolean) and (boolean) (boolean) or (boolean) not(boolean) x mod y round(y) sqrt(10) Variables var var.set(0) var.change(1) var.hide list list.add("thing") list.delete(1) list.insert("thing",1) list.replace("thing",1) list(1) list.length [/color]
Last edited by fullmoon (2008-10-26 15:06:05)
Jens- when you said load an image in to the skins dictionary, can you please elaborate because i have been trying to change the logo so that it stays the same forEVER
fullmoon can you publish <application< <and> >Source code>/<application< <or> >source code>
the_hack wrote:
I am embedding a scratch project into a rails web app. I want my website to reward the user when they finish playing the game.
My first thought was getting scratch to use hyperlinks, but I totally understand and agree that wouldn't be kid-safe.
Is there any other way I can get my website (with javascript or something) to monitor what is going on in the scratch game and respond with an action?
Or, Jens, would it be possible for you to include hyperlinking in chirp? (Maybe in such a way that the scratchr server would just ignore it, but if it was hosted independently it would work? Is that even possible?
the_hack wrote:
Is that even possible?
It sure is!
After another member of the scratch community mentioned this in a comment on one of my projects, I took it upon myself to add it to Streak (my version of scratch, similar to Chirp). It is done, and ready to be released with version 0.2. As well, It also will run a program if you type the internal system name for it (eg. WINWORD.EXE runs word, NOTEPAD.EXE runs notepad, etc). It will also run a file if you type the path name for it. (eg: C:\program files\streak\projects\about would open up that project, in streak. (note that streak's associated file extention is sc, rather than sb). On top of that, if you type the name of a folder, it will open that folder in explorer. (again, to get explorer by itself, EXPLORER.EXE). Note also that unfortunately it is not a feature of scratch, anf therefore not of the java player.
There is a little project I'm working on where a streak applet basically out puts stuff to the screen, but runs very closely with a pages javascript. (ie: the variables in your scratch project could be accessed by the javascript. The beauty of this is, both javascript and streak are object oriented. IE: to, say, move sprite1 up by 10, you would use either <change y by( 10 }> in your project, or add the id='streak_applet' attribute to your applet, and access this in javascript with:
document.getElementById(streak_applet).sprite1.YValue += 10;
Of course, if you are not that up on your ancient geek, there will be a feature of streak to generate the code for you.
Oh well, I'm off on a tangent.
Regardless, this functionality is very possible.
If you do not wish to wait until v0.2, I made a tutorial. It is here:
How to make a new block: open Browser with URL.
I hope you find this interesting/useful.
Also, check out the streak website at