that is simple put this as your block<when[ ]key space pressed> wait .1 second <next costume> and so on until you reach the end and switch it back to custume 1
If you want the Sprite doing the "throwing" to throw in the direction that it is pointing, one way would be to send a broadcast when the throw is to happen. When the thrown sprite gets the broadcast, it will do its thing. I'll assume that you want a clown to throw a pie:
Pie has this Script:
When I Receive "Throw" <- Note: "Throw" is a broadcast that the clown sent.
Go to (Clown)
Point in Direction ("direction" of "clown") <- Note: this is the "something" of "some-sprite" Sensing block.
Repeat until <touching edge>
Move 2
To use the "something" of "some-sprite" sensing block, pull it into the script area, and use the right pull down to find the sprite you want, then the left one to select what you want to know about that sprite. You can get the x_position, y_position, direction, etc. of any other sprite, as well as its defined variables.
In my game, I have my main character click an item. I then have him go to a door which leads to another room. I want an item to appear in the other room only if the original item has been clicked. Is there a way to do this?
Yes. Have the first item change costume when it is clicked. Then have the second item detect the first sprites costume, and only show if the first sprites costume has changed.