This is a read-only archive of the old Scratch 1.x Forums.
Try searching the current Scratch discussion forums.

#1 2010-06-09 13:48:28

Scratch Team
Registered: 2008-11-03
Posts: 1000+

Index to helpful topics in Questions About Scratch: Start here!

Here is a collection of threads to help you get started, all written by members of the Scratch community.

Tips and Tricks About Using the Scratch Forums, by cheddargirl.
An excellent guide to using the Scratch Forums, with links to threads about using BB Code to post links, images, and Scratch blocks as well as threads on forum etiquette.

How to make a better project, by Bobby500.
Learn how to make your projects of a higher quality than the rest with these tips & tricks.

An un-brief history of Scratch, by Chrischb
Ever wonder how it all started, or when your favorite features were added? This thread contains a long history of Scratch.

THE ALMIGHTY SCRATIONARY!!! (Intended for Scratch Illtererate Users), by turtlewarrior
Have you heard a term related to Scratch, but don't know what it means? Look it up in the Scrationary.

FIND IT! Searching Through the Multitude of Scratch Projects, by cheddargirl
This thread is a comprehensive guide to finding the Scratch projects you are looking for (and to improving your googling skills in general).

PROGRAM IT! Scratch Programming Tutorials, by cheddargirl
A guide to programming tutorials, this is a great way to learn a new skill or get started making a kind of project that you've never made before. Includes links to the basics, using variables, the pen, scrolling backgrounds, even how to make characters in games artificially intelligent.

USE IT! Music, Images, and Software to Spice Up Your Scratch project, by cheddargirl
Find free stuff to use in your Scratch projects (and free programs to edit your free stuff).

Plagiarism, by jamie
A discussion about the copying of projects on the Scratch website without giving appropriate credit.

Violent Scratch Projects, by rico.
A discussion about what is and isn't acceptable to share on the Scratch website and why.

What is Necroposting?, by TorbyFork234.
A helpful guide to posting on older forum topics - recommended reading for all forum users!

The Ultimate Scratch dictionary: Spamming and Trolling, by Mokat
How to identify and deal with some unpleasant types of posts and comments.

Want to suggest that a topic should be added to this index?
Remember: the more topics we add, the less likely people are to read them all. So please only suggest topics that you think are really important to add!

Last edited by Paddle2See (2012-11-30 06:32:11)

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