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  •  » Add an option to disable automatic compiling of scripts?

#1 2010-05-28 16:18:13

Registered: 2010-05-20
Posts: 42

Add an option to disable automatic compiling of scripts?

I have been working on a large project, and editing has become painfully slow.  I'm not sure how Scratch works, but it appears to be compiling the scripts after every edit in order to allow the user to have the option to immediately execute the program.  If this is the case, would it be possible to have an option to allow the user to choose when they are ready to compile and run?  I would gladly trade the ability to immediately execute a program for a less frustrating editing experience.

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#2 2010-05-28 16:19:26

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-03-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: Add an option to disable automatic compiling of scripts?

I'd love this! It would certainly be a great addition - though I fear that it might take away from the simplicity of the program. Maybe it could be in the shift-clicked "file" menu, with project summaries, etc?



#3 2010-05-28 18:02:55

Registered: 2007-12-12
Posts: 1000+

Re: Add an option to disable automatic compiling of scripts?

I agree, this would be nice. But when this happens, they need to make an "script editor only" place/program. Or make it so you can type out the scripts.  tongue



#4 2010-06-25 08:58:23

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-10-11
Posts: 1000+

Re: Add an option to disable automatic compiling of scripts?

I'm pretty sure the Scratch blocks are compiled into code as the project runs. (That's partly why Scratch is so much slower than other languages.)

I'm pretty sure that the lag in large scripts results from the script having to constantly be redrawn-when it gets big, it takes a while to draw.

Last edited by Harakou (2010-06-25 08:59:38)



#5 2010-06-25 09:00:52

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-03-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: Add an option to disable automatic compiling of scripts?

Harakou wrote:

I'm pretty sure the Scratch blocks are compiled into code as the project runs. (That's partly why Scratch is so much slower than other languages.) I'm pretty sure that the lag in large scripts results from the script having to constantly be redrawn-when it gets big, it takes a while to draw.

That would make sense.

I think there's several reasons why Scratch is slow:
- Redrawing scripts everytime you change them.
- Runs directly off the source code in Squeak through a VM
- When running projects, runs directly off the scripts
- Added delay when looping.

Yeah... All those things really add up to an unfortunate series of slow events.



#6 2010-06-25 10:03:47

Registered: 2008-03-20
Posts: 1000+

Re: Add an option to disable automatic compiling of scripts?

This would really speed up script editing, meaning no lag when moving blocks around.
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