Right, here is the list (Deep Breath)............
Cannot link my level to another,
When i upload the scenery is out of sync,
Is there a way to create effective backgrounds?
How are some games so epic?
Can i have a really big help from a Scratch Guru?
Thanks you epic people!
Okay, I'll try and answer your questions *inhale*:
I assume you're referring to this project: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/HotHead25/1074971
The question of switching levels is a tricky one. What I would do is create a global "level" variable and change it by 1 every time a level is completed. Each script is kicked off by a broadcast telling the sprite to do stuff for the current level. So, to start the game, you could:
When flag clicked: set level to 1 broadcast [level1]
The level-specific scripts would then look like this:
When I receive [level1]: repeat until <not level=1>: //do some stuff here When I receive [level2]: repeat until <not level=2>: //do some Level 2 stuff here
When you want to change levels, I would put a script like this on, say, the "exit" block from your game:
When I receive [level1]: repeat until <not level=1>: if <touching [player] ? >: change level by 1 broadcast [next level] and wait broadcast [join ["level"](level)] stop script
What you're doing here is, rather than hard-coding a broadcast into the script, it joins the string "level" with the value of the level variable and broadcasts it. So the script above would broadcast "level2". Finally, the grey "wall" sprite receives the next level broadcast and changes its costume.
The backgrounds out of sync is a bit trickier to answer. Oftentimes the Java player screws up for no particular reason; you might want to just redraw the sprite, or add specific "go to" commands to make sure the sprite starts where you want it to. Finally double-check to be sure that the sprite is not larger than 480x360 pixels.
As for the epic-ness, you're on your own with that one. But it looks like you're off to a good start.
If this simply leaves you more confused than you were, I'd be happy to make an example project. Lemme know!
Last edited by fullmoon (2010-05-25 16:39:56)