Like the title says, what happens that gets your project in the Most Viewed or Most Loved or Most Remixed sections on the front page? Is it a number of views or love its or what? I have a project with 92 views, but its not on the front page. However I got these views over time, and that might have something to do with it. So anyway, how dO YOu get on the front page?
Last edited by militarydudes (2010-05-23 20:14:51)
Yes, projects have to be under a certain number of days old in order to be on the Front Page - it varies for each section and I can't quite remember what the limit is, but I think it spans from 5 to 9 days, depending on the section. It's the top loved, viewed, and remixed projects within that time span that make it on the front page.
coolstuff wrote:
Yes, projects have to be under a certain number of days old in order to be on the Front Page - it varies for each section and I can't quite remember what the limit is, but I think it spans from 5 to 9 days, depending on the section. It's the top loved, viewed, and remixed projects within that time span that make it on the front page.