This is my second tutorial on scratch scripts, this one will teach you how too make a simple jump and gravity for your sprites
Before you start you will need to make a fallspeed or gravity variable and a jump variable
Setting jump to 1 in that script makes sure that it can jump for the first time.
Q. Why is is the fallspeed minus when it goes down?
A. Minus Y on scratch is down, and since it changes the Y by gravity/fallspeed it needs to be minus
Q. How do I make a variable?
A. In the variable block section click "Make a variable" then name it
Please tell me what my next tutorial should be about!
Last edited by colorfusion (2010-05-22 12:09:03)
Thanks! This was very helpful!
Thanks! I've been trying to find the script to jump FOREVER. I'm gonna edit the script a tiny bit so that the sprite jumps at the edge of a cliff.