Why it works:
Off-line scratch has problems dividing by 0 or nothing for some reason, and when a script has an error it stops the whole script from working.
On-line either it can divide by 0 or when it has an error it just skips that part, but either way it allows us to create on-line detectors.
What could we use it for:
Often projects are broken or laggy on-line, if you want people to download it to get a better playing experience or you want people to stop saying "Dosent work!" in the comments then you can either have a little message telling them they should download popping up or completely stop the game on-line so they have to download.
Cool find. I know that there are other methords too.
colorfusion wrote:
http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/2b7 … b1784g.jpg
Why it works:
Off-line scratch has problems dividing by 0 or nothing for some reason, and when a script has an error it stops the whole script from working.
On-line either it can divide by 0 or when it has an error it just skips that part, but either way it allows us to create on-line detectors.
What could we use it for:
Often projects are broken or laggy on-line, if you want people to download it to get a better playing experience or you want people to stop saying "Dosent work!" in the comments then you can either have a little message telling them they should download popping up or completely stop the game on-line so they have to download.
Yep, I've used this one before because it very simple. And what you mentioned about laggy projects is a good idea. If you also have music in a project, and it makes it slow online, you could only have it play offline.
Oh WOW! Cool! I needed this. I just hope it's good for BYOB, that's all. I'm making a chat room with Mesh and a few scripts, a Terms of Use sprite, and a Users list.