At this stage, Snap! looks similar like a New Logo : single turtle, similar buiilt-in procedures, custom blocks...but with two big advantages : first-class-iness and drag-and-drop.Snap! It is just lacking the "math functions" to emulate many existing Logo applications.
Don't worry for the "block" instruction + colors.It's OK for me. No need to change them.
"since nobody noticed". I've definitevely stopped evaluating of Snap! until it has the "save" fiunction. It is not very stimulating to work a whole day and lose your whole application when you have to stop your PC or when Snap! crashes! . So, if you don't inform me of new features, I can't notice any change !
I tried it in Firefox and Chrome, and it ran significantly faster in chrome, a lot of lag in FF. Any idea why??? (FF 9.0.1, Chrome 16...)
IMHO you need to compare comparable situations.
If your usual browser is FF, it is probably loaded with many add-ons, tools, bookmarks etc which is not good for performances. That's why I'm using now a plain Chrome dedicated exclusively to Snap! without anything else.
14God wrote:
Any idea when Snap will be OO?
Pretty late. We are hoping that for our big demo end of Feb we'll have exactly two sprites that don't have costumes but do interact. We're also hoping to have something pretty complete in time for summer. But no promises yet.
Can you make Alonzo the default sprite already?
scimonster wrote:
Can you make Alonzo the default sprite already?
I did see the smiley, but... (1) It's almost as hard to have one bitmap costume as to have a plethora of them; (2) with one sprite, people are mostly doing Logo-style drawing pictures, not animations, and so it's more useful to have a pointer than a personality.
... actually say some praise to nXIII for the most important part of today's exciting
Snap! Update
the current Snap pre-alpha version features our first shot at saving and loading projects, courtesy of the astounding nXIII. Hack away and try to break it, everyone! And please post all problems you might encounter to this forum thread so we can deal with them.
Please note that both the file format and the way in which projects are stored and retrieved will probably undergo major changes until we're done, and therefore your projects will at some time (before the final release) become unreadable. But this a very important start for us, so please help us by testing!
How does it work? Click on the Snap! logo in the upper left corner to find out...
(And don't forget to clear your browser cache lest you don't get to see the changes.)
Jens wrote:
... actually say some praise to nXIII for the most important part of today's exciting
Snap! Update
the current Snap pre-alpha version features our first shot at saving and loading projects, courtesy of the astounding nXIII. Hack away and try to break it, everyone! And please post all problems you might encounter to this forum thread so we can deal with them.
Please note that both the file format and the way in which projects are stored and retrieved will probably undergo major changes until we're done, and therefore your projects will at some time (before the final release) become unreadable. But this a very important start for us, so please help us by testing!
How does it work? Click on the Snap! logo in the upper left corner to find out...
(And don't forget to clear your browser cache lest you don't get to see the changes.)
cool! works really well. a browser to see all of your projects would be nice...
Jens wrote:
... actually say some praise to nXIII for the most important part of today's exciting
Snap! Update
the current Snap pre-alpha version features our first shot at saving and loading projects, courtesy of the astounding nXIII. Hack away and try to break it, everyone! And please post all problems you might encounter to this forum thread so we can deal with them.
Please note that both the file format and the way in which projects are stored and retrieved will probably undergo major changes until we're done, and therefore your projects will at some time (before the final release) become unreadable. But this a very important start for us, so please help us by testing!
How does it work? Click on the Snap! logo in the upper left corner to find out...
(And don't forget to clear your browser cache lest you don't get to see the changes.)
Nice! For some reason I had an inkling nXIII's name would be Nate (probably 'cause I first read it as nVIII => n-eight => Nate), it's creeping me out.
Where is it stored?
Hardmath123 wrote:
Where is it stored?
I'm wondering the same question...
MathWizz wrote:
I broke it. Projects with watches don't open properly.
Hm... I think you broke it with something else, watchers should work. Try opening this (just a bunch of watchers).
What did your project look like?
EDIT: ....and that broke for a different reason!
Last edited by nXIII (2012-01-25 22:59:07)
Epic win!
Hmmm... I'm just getting
Load failed: ReferenceError: Serializer is not defined
on everything. Even saves.
Using Chrome 16.0.912.77 m on Windows.
Last edited by shadow_7283 (2012-01-26 10:45:38)
shadow_7283 wrote:
Hmmm... I'm just getting
Load failed: ReferenceError: Serializer is not defined
on everything. Even saves.
Using Chrome 16.0.912.77 m on Windows.
Try emptying your cache.
(I just had this bizarre mental image in which you push "empty cache" in Chrome and all the information on all Google's servers disappears!)
MathWizz wrote:
This is my project.
Now that's not working...
Are you sure you copied the whole URL fragment? If you're using Chrome, it's a bit difficult to do that
Last edited by nXIII (2012-01-26 16:35:49)
Sample Project: Vee
@MathWizz does it load properly if you save, then open it (i.e., is it just broken from the forum link)?
EDIT: Oh, you have to URLEncode them carefully.
Last edited by nXIII (2012-01-26 17:54:48)