I have worked for a while and finally the elusive show/hide list blocks are in my possession!
Here's what ya gotta do:
Important Note:
GirWaffles64 discovered that this will only work on a Mac if the indentations are deleted.
#0: Turn fill screen off and open a browser
Open Scratch and hold shift while clicking the loop of the 'R' in the Scratch logo (the one in the top-right corner). Select 'turn fill screen off', then click in the whitespace that comes up. Select 'open...', then 'browser'.
#1: Add the showOrHideList:show: Method
Select the path 'Scratch-Objects/ScriptableScratchMorph/list ops' and copy/paste the following into the bottom panel: (Note: use Alt + V to paste in Squeak)
showOrHideList: t1 show: t2
| t3 t4 t5 |
(self listVarNames includes: t1)
ifFalse: [^ self].
t3 _ lists at: t1.
ifTrue: [(t4 _ self ownerThatIsA: ScratchStageMorph) ifNotNil: [t4 addMorph: t3]]
ifFalse: [t3 delete].
(t5 _ self ownerThatIsA: ScratchFrameMorph) ifNil: [^ self].
t5 viewerPane categoryChanged: 'variables'
Press Alt + S to save it.
#2: Add the showList: and hideList: Methods
Click 'list ops' again and paste the following into the bottom panel:
showList: t1
| t2 |
self showOrHideList: t1 show: true.
t2 _ self ownerThatIsA: ScratchStageMorph.
t2 ~= self ifTrue: [t2 showOrHideList: t1 show: true]
Press Alt + S to save it, then click 'list ops' a third time and paste the following into the bottom panel:
hideList: t1
| t2 |
self showOrHideList: t1 show: false.
t2 _ self ownerThatIsA: ScratchStageMorph.
t2 ~= self ifTrue: [t2 showOrHideList: t1 show: false]
Press Alt + S.
#3: Add the correct blockSpecs
Click the 'class' button under the second-from-the-left panel and select 'block specs/blockSpecs'. Paste the following before the last two parenthesis:
('show list %L' #- #showList:) ('hide list %L' #- #hideList:)
Press Alt + S and save the image (using the shift-click menu) in end-user mode.
Next time you navigate to the variable blocks page, two shiny new blocks will be there!
NOTE: I have found that the argument will not (by default) show the first list. If I find a way to fix this problem, I will post an update here.
Scratch On!
Last edited by nXIII (2010-03-25 20:27:15)
Cool! Can't wait to try it and add it to my source code mods!
Does it work upon uploading? Does it work when you download it from the scratch site?
Lucario621 wrote:
Does it work upon uploading? Does it work when you download it from the scratch site?
I'm about to find out.
EDIT: "nothing more expected" keeps coming up, and I can't save the thing? I get a menu that says :
unknown variable: nothing please correct, or cancel:
declare global
Last edited by juststickman (2010-03-20 11:24:35)
juststickman wrote:
Lucario621 wrote:
Does it work upon uploading? Does it work when you download it from the scratch site?
I'm about to find out.
EDIT: "nothing more expected" keeps coming up, and I can't save the thing? I get a menu that says :
unknown variable: nothing please correct, or cancel:
declare global
What step are you on?
Can you just upload the Squeak image? I'm far too lazy.
Nevermind. I overcame my laziness, and even uploaded a project to test them in Java.
Yep. Java obviously doesn't work.
But I'm gonna decompile the JAR, and poke around, see how it works.
gershmer wrote:
Yep. Java obviously doesn't work.
But I'm gonna decompile the JAR, and poke around, see how it works.
I would just show you the image, but it has like 15 other blocks in it too...
Cool! I will use this!
nXIII wrote:
gershmer wrote:
Yep. Java obviously doesn't work.
But I'm gonna decompile the JAR, and poke around, see how it works.Nice
I would just show you the image, but it has like 15 other blocks in it too...
I wouldn't mind more goodies!
Cool! I can't pretend I'm not a little disappointed though... I tried this EXACT SAME CODE AND PROCEDURE yesterday and I ALMOST HAD IT!!!! I just forgot to use ScratchStageMorph. Actually I tried using it, but I forgot to insert it into one of the categories (I think it was "ShoworHide").
nXIII wrote:
juststickman wrote:
Lucario621 wrote:
Does it work upon uploading? Does it work when you download it from the scratch site?
I'm about to find out.
EDIT: "nothing more expected" keeps coming up, and I can't save the thing? I get a menu that says :
unknown variable: nothing please correct, or cancel:
declare global
cancelWhat step are you on?
I was saving the first thing.
juststickman wrote:
nXIII wrote:
juststickman wrote:
I'm about to find out.
EDIT: "nothing more expected" keeps coming up, and I can't save the thing? I get a menu that says :
unknown variable: nothing please correct, or cancel:
declare global
cancelWhat step are you on?
I was saving the first thing.
Odd... you DO have 1.4, right?
nXIII wrote:
juststickman wrote:
nXIII wrote:
What step are you on?I was saving the first thing.
Odd... you DO have 1.4, right?
That's cool, even though I don't know why I would need those blocks.
i cant get past the first scripting part!!!
The-Whiz wrote:
juststickman wrote:
nXIII wrote:
Odd... you DO have 1.4, right?
Do you have a Mac?
nXIII wrote:
Here is a demonstration. If yours don't work like this, tell me and I will re-paste the scripts.