I have noted 5 (five) holes on the Scratch Board surface named vc, vp, sc, sd, and GND.
Looking at Scratch Board schematic … aticR1.pdf these holes are represented by J2.
It seems I can use 2 (two) of them to connect other sensors to the PIC processor on the board (and to Scratch).
Is it that true? Has anybody tried that?
Thanks in advance,
Last edited by ajbarrosbr (2010-08-07 23:54:11)
should I buy a scratch sensor board?
Hi Andreas,
mamias wrote:
ha loo i have the same you find any answer to this question;;;
I sent a message to PICO company asking about it. The answer was that they "can attach a cable to those holes to reprogram the PicoBoard".
Besides that, if I want use sc and sd holes to attach other sensors, e.g., a 5V accelerometer, I will have to modify the PicoBoard firmware.
Well, it's in my to-do list for a while
My best,
Antonio Barros
ajbarrosbr wrote:
Besides that, if I want use sc and sd holes to attach other sensors, e.g., a 5V accelerometer, I will have to modify the PicoBoard firmware.
You would also have to modify Scratch's interface with the board.
ScratchReallyROCKS wrote:
You would also have to modify Scratch's interface with the board.
Oh, yes, but that should be the easy (and fun) part