markyparky56 wrote:
Guys, iv just noticed a fail on the panther dev projects page:
Panther seal of approval. We assure you that all the projects displayed on this page are in no way harmful to your computer.
/script>Is someone working on it rght now or something?
sparks, but I think mine are better, because of the added community and stuff.
Oh, and:
Author Brown Seal: The author of this project is trusted, but may still be harmful. Look for other seals to determine the risk.
SeptimusHeap wrote:
sparks wrote:
I'm currently coming up with warnings/seals of approval for the project pages. basically saying (on the featured and deve developed pages) that we garentee that the projects on that page are safe to use.
How about:
Panther Green Seal: This (These) projects have been tested by Panther devs and are perfectly safe for your computer.
Panther Yellow Seal: This (These) projects have been tested by Panther devs and only have minor issues.
any projects with even minor issues for the computer should be removed how can you have a minor threat?
Community Purple Seal: This (These) projects have been viewed and downloaded by many people, and few have reported issues.
same as what I said above
[color= ed] Panther Red Seal: This (These) projects have been tested by Panther devs and have moderate issues. Use at your own risk!
er, any tested projects with risks need to be removed
Community Blue Seal: This (These) projects have been viewed and downloaded by many people, and a moderate amount have reported issues. Use at your own risk! again the same
Community Pink Seal: This (These) projects have been viewed and downloaded by many people, and none have reported issues.
good, we need a way to tell how many downloads the file has had.
I think that an uploaded project should automatically have an orange "untested" seal.
Last edited by sparks (2010-04-16 08:26:20)
sparks wrote:
SeptimusHeap wrote:
sparks wrote:
I'm currently coming up with warnings/seals of approval for the project pages. basically saying (on the featured and deve developed pages) that we garentee that the projects on that page are safe to use.
How about:
Panther Green Seal: This (These) projects have been tested by Panther devs and are perfectly safe for your computer.
Panther Yellow Seal: This (These) projects have been tested by Panther devs and only have minor issues.
any projects with even minor issues for the computer should be removed how can you have a minor threat?
Community Purple Seal: This (These) projects have been viewed and downloaded by many people, and few have reported issues.
same as what I said above
[color= ed] Panther Red Seal: This (These) projects have been tested by Panther devs and have moderate issues. Use at your own risk!
er, any tested projects with risks need to be removed
Community Blue Seal: This (These) projects have been viewed and downloaded by many people, and a moderate amount have reported issues. Use at your own risk! again the same
Community Pink Seal: This (These) projects have been viewed and downloaded by many people, and none have reported issues.good, we need a way to tell how many downloads the file has had.
I think that an uploaded project should automatically have an orange "untested" seal.
POSSIBLE risk. Like editing a txt file or something. Nothing big.
And risky projects can be un-downloadable, but we should leave them on.
sparks wrote:
I like the idea of a seal for a trusted person. perhaps brown dosen't convey that sense of trust too welll though. dark blue would be good, it's a royal colour.
Yeah, and the brown seal would be untrusted author, but possible OK project.
yes, but either the text file is always edited in a harmful way, or it isn't. It's our job to read the script and determine wether it can or not... perhapse if it was reading a file off a webpage, then that would be moderate because the person could change the files's content and thusly change the nature of the script.
sparks wrote:
yes, but either the text file is always edited in a harmful way, or it isn't. It's our job to read the script and determine wether it can or not... perhapse if it was reading a file off a webpage, then that would be moderate because the person could change the files's content and thusly change the nature of the script.
Yeah, but we should still keep minor difficulties downloadible.
[color= ed] Panther Red Seal: This (These) projects have been tested by Panther devs and have moderate issues. Use at your own risk! [/color]
er, any tested projects with risks need to be removed
Uh... let me fix that.
Panther Red Seal: This (These) projects have been tested by Panther devs and have moderate issues. Use at your own risk!
er, any tested projects with risks need to be removed
sparks wrote:
a person who did that for free would be hard to find. Also, anyone who does testing is putting their computer slightly at risk (hitting enter and starting a script by accident.) so.. yeah
I guess...
Epic Rainbow Seal: This game is fun, epic, tested by devs and downloaded with no complaint!
SeptimusHeap wrote:
sparks wrote:
a person who did that for free would be hard to find. Also, anyone who does testing is putting their computer slightly at risk (hitting enter and starting a script by accident.) so.. yeah
I guess...
Epic Rainbow Seal: This game is fun, epic, tested by devs and downloaded with no complaint!
That can go on the featured projects.
How about:
Brown Mark of Shame: This project's author has made dangerous projects in the past. Be careful when playing. Look at other seals to see if you should play it.
I've got some ideas on how this will work.
Project Red Seal:
This project is currently untested
Author Red Seal:
This is either a user who generally releases dodgy projects, or hasn't released enough to be tested
Project Orange Seal:
This project has been tested but has many issues/threats that could be harful to your computer. Project downloading has been dis-allowed until user can fix these problems. View project at own risk.
Author Orange Seal:
This user has lots of projects with issues. We advise you to stay away from this user
Project Yellow Seal:
This project has a few issues/threats. View and download at own risk.
Author Yellow Seal:
This user has released projects with issues/threats before. We advise being careful around this user.
Project Green Seal:
This project is fine and has been tested, there are no threats.
Author Green Seal:
This user hasn't released any harmful projects and is trusted by staff
Project Blue Seal:
This project was made by a mod/developer. It is expected to be good. Please report problems if there are any
Author Blue Seal:
This user is a mod/developer. They are very trusted users.
I think this is simpler and nicer than all those seals.
I edited the shame mark:
Brown Mark of Shame: This project's author has made dangerous projects in the past. Be careful when playing. Look at other seals to see if you should play it. BTW, this person fails for making harmful projects. Feel free to throw tomatoes at them.
I like the idea, but a newbie should not have a red author seal, It discourages people from viewing their projects and will make it difficult for them to be accepted or for people to try their projects. I think a newbie seal with a description like:
"this person is new to panther, please make them feel welcome and answer any questions they may have."
Ok then. Newbie seal:
Project Purple seal:
This is a new, untested project. Please be careful.
User Purple Seal:
This user is a newbie to Panther, please be kind and helpful to them.
The user purple will last for like, 2 weeks.
Sperry wrote:
Ok then. Newbie seal:
Project Purple seal:
This is a new, untested project. Please be careful.
User Purple Seal:
This user is a newbie to Panther, please be kind and helpful to them.
The user purple will last for like, 2 weeks.
or 10 projects, whichever comes sooner.