Hey, do you need a cool signature? I can try and make one for you! Here is some of my previous work:
Here are some guideline when you ask for a signature:
[*] Don't be vague. You can tell me what color you what, what images you want to include, and even the layout. This makes it easier for me to make them!
[*] If you want me to include a specific image, post the link
[*] Tell me how big you want it to by (100px high, 400 pixels long, ext.)
I should be able to make your signature in 1-3 days, depending on how much HW I have, and how complicated you want yours
I reserve the right to not make you a signature, if I think it will be too hard. So don't be mad!!
Also, if you don't like your signature, please give CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.
Anyway, ask away!
Last edited by warioandbob (2010-02-07 09:37:23)
ScratchX wrote:
You followed my advice At least it will save the mods some trouble.
Anyway, do you need a sig, and do you like the ones I made?
Anyone want a signature? Please, I'm dying to make a new one!!
pretty nice. Ill take one. how about this: http://animal.discovery.com/fish/stingray/pictures/stingray-picture.jpg
with the words sting rays are awesome! on the bottom. also, how about normal sig size, like those at the top. Thanks a ton!
I want a sig that is a link to this-(http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Ilovenatrue/878280) please? Make it have scratch cat holding a pan, wearing a chef hat, saying "Wanna cook? Click me!"
SORRY I'm so late, i didn't think anyone would reply, so I stopped checking
urhungry, here's your sig:
http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/1416 … ayssig.png
And I'm working on the other two ASAP!
Last edited by warioandbob (2010-02-21 19:44:17)