well if you ever tried to enter a long thread in ask block u might have noticed when asking it dosent format the text(from Background) . Is it just a problem with me or with everyone.If with everyone then i suggest this.
else if just me then someone plz suggest how to solve this.
I think I see what you are saying...the Ask block will let you type in far more characters than it will actually display. The text block should wrap or scroll or something. Is that the issue?
I agree. It should either truncate the input (input only the characters it displays) or it should scroll or wrap.
Paddle2See wrote:
The ask block should scroll
Paddle2See wrote:
I think I see what you are saying...the Ask block will let you type in far more characters than it will actually display. The text block should wrap or scroll or something. Is that the issue?
I agree. It should either truncate the input (input only the characters it displays) or it should scroll or wrap.
ABSOLUTELY THAT IS THE ISSUE with the bacgronds ask block
Great idea, topic owner!
This is with everyone, so I suggest it too.
yep, maybe either have it have a cap or have it wrap.
One way around this is to just have the sprite say it, but thats not always what you want.