I hope this is the right place. Anyway, I need some insparation for my next game. I would like it to have you as a bunny, and have some neat mechanic that makes it more then just another member of a geanra. Thanks for any suggestions!
I think this belongs in Project Ideas...
Maybe you could be a bunny that wanders around a field, collecting all the gold coins?
Waffles! Think waffles.
urhungry wrote:
I hope this is the right place. Anyway, I need some insparation for my next game. I would like it to have you as a bunny, and have some neat mechanic that makes it more then just another member of a geanra. Thanks for any suggestions!
Hey urhungry, I think this topic is better suited for the brand new 'Project Ideas' forum. I'll move it there.
thanks for the ideas, and sorry to have put this in the wrong place. maybe a game where you go around in a feild and collect waffles? ill have to try that.
waffles are overrated.
a bunny that goes around mating with other bunnies, while a wolf runs around eating bunnies. nothing graphic though like the real game.