Many times, an entire army of people have wanted a new feature in Scratch but because the Scratch Team thought it would be confusing for new user, was ruled out.
I have some questions:
Why do new users have to now what everything does, they'll find out sooner or later?
Also, new users normally gradually enhance their abilities, they probably wouldn't mess with features they don't understand.
Plus, if they do mess around with those features, the worst that can happen is, it doesn't work right and they move on. So why limit us, because of new users?
Scratch is an educating device for leetle children. So they try to keep it as simple and lowprogrammingknowledge-friendly as possible.
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Scratch is an educating device for leetle children. So they try to keep it as simple and lowprogrammingknowledge-friendly as possible.
cocoanut wrote:
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Scratch is an educating device for leetle children. So they try to keep it as simple and lowprogrammingknowledge-friendly as possible.
You don't know what leetles are???
BTW MRN since when was scratch an adoptable site?