You can use single stepping mode to see where it is messing up as there is no way for us to know until you post your app
Could be that the main sprite is detecting the collision but you aren't then triggering the Hide for the coin, or that it hides and immediately re-shows.
...or that you have accidentally used the wrong broadcast or receive name
...or that you have made the collision detection routine separate from your main runtime code by accident and it is being skipped.
etc etc etc but don't feel bad. People want to help so please please post the code you have done so far so we can >=P
Did you try this (Obviously): The First sprite says: <when green flag clicked><forever if><touching[ Coin <broadcast[ GO AWAY COIN! The Coin Says: <when I receive[ GO AWAY COIN!<hide> and also the coin needs to have the script <when green flag clicked><show> of course.
Last edited by EmperorEvil (2010-01-24 11:42:30)