Add suggestions for new blocks here. Tell us what the block is, what it will do and why we need it. Please don't add suggestions for things you can do with the blocks we already have. Remember, a few powerful blocks can do the work of many, weak, specialized ones. Also, give suggestions for blocks to be removed. Please talk about blocks and not some other ideas.
I think it would be a good idea to add some blocks that can record. This block would be set up like this:
record sound for (_) secs
This would be good for many programs that involve music.
Another block would be under sensing. However it would be a number block, like loudness.
This block would be much easier to implement than a record block and it would be good for some singing games. The number returned would be based on the same system as "play note (_) for (_) beats."
Last edited by beepbeep (2008-01-10 15:38:21)
Actually, determining the pitch of an incoming sound is much more difficult than simply recording it.
I think it would be cool to have a block that goes
point toward x:_ Y:_
This would mean that you wouldn't need a sprite to find the direction to any spot on the screen.
Also a sensing block that is like
direction to x: Y:
Maybe one like
direction to "sprite one"
Actually, just the "direction to blocks" are needed, since we already have a "point in direction" block they could be paired with. I think that the direction blocks would be handy.
"Direction to" would definitely be handy. I suppose the same function could be done with trig now, but it seems like a very logical "built in" to have.
I've done a lot of projects where I end up sending a helper sprite to a point to get the direction and distance. We have a "Distance to Sprite", how about a "Distance to X, Y"? Again, this could be calculated, but would be nice to have as a built-in...
Lets add a sensing block that senses whether other sprites are shown or hidden.
Something like "(sprite1) shown?"
The "sprite1 shown?" does not need to be a separate sensing block---they can just add "hidden" to the list of variables in the new sensing block that shows variable values.
I think that it would be good to have a sensing block that figures out what effects are used by other sprites. it might look like this:
(color effect) of (sprite1)
I use graphic effects all of the time, it would really help me.
Last edited by abstractist (2008-01-12 05:42:04)
Even though it isn't a block, I would like to have normal copy and paste function. This would mean that you could copy something from one project and paste it in another. Also it would be nice to have shortcuts like control-c etc...
I think that the random number block needs o be able to generate decimals as well as integers. Please add this function.
Could a block be made that changes the x and y of all the PEN on the screen? Then when you stamp something, you could move that stamp and everything else on the page.
How about a block that finds out the date and time of the computer?
The random number block can generate non-integer numbers, just make sure that one of the two limits (min or max) is non-integer. For example, 0 and 0.9999999 will give you numbers between 0 and (slightly less than) 1.
The in-scratch help needs better definitions for the math functions. It can be tricky to understand.
Some of the math functions *are* tricky to understand, but the tiny space of the in-scratch help is not enough to explain the trigonometric, logarithm, and exponential functions. Your best bet is to read about them elsewhere (in a trigonometry class or in Wikipedia).
Maybe there could be a forum where people ask what something means and other people tell them the answers. Then if there was a question, you could ask it.
I'm glad that my thread is getting so much attention. Another idea for a block is one that stretches a sprite. It would probably be under "Looks." This could be its design:
Stretch x by (_)% Stretch y by (_)%
or maybe:
Set stretching to x (_)% y(_)% Change stretching by x (_)% y (_)% (x stretching) (y stretching)
The final two blocks are number blocks, which can be shown and hidden, like x position and y position.
Last edited by beepbeep (2008-01-14 19:34:50)
kevin_karplus wrote:
The random number block can generate non-integer numbers, just make sure that one of the two limits (min or max) is non-integer. For example, 0 and 0.9999999 will give you numbers between 0 and (slightly less than) 1.
I tried your idea but I only got numbers like .1, .3, .7, etc. How can I get numbers like .163572?
You probably are getting numbers like .163572 but the variables will only display numbers to one digit to the right of the decimal point. To check and see if you are getting more digits after the decimal, multiply the numbers by 10000 (or more, or less, depending on how many places you want) and show those in a variable.
You're right! Thanks a lot. Now I guess we don't need any new blocks. I will definitely use your advice.
You know the "if touching edge?" Why have right edge, left edge, top edge, bottom edge? Then The sprite could differentiate between them.
I like the idea of stretching.
I think there should be something like:
(rotate for)__(seconds)
(play)_(seconds of sound_[sound]