Can I beta test?
I can notice bugs easily and have a good knowledge of how to fix things.
I sign up.
I'd like to because I always wanted to be those people, who get a first glance on something. It feels great to help other people with their work, and be part of it too. I loved the preview, and it seems great. And I'm also on pretty much everyday for a couple of hours, so I tons of time on my hands.
Last edited by Penguinsrock (2010-01-12 19:07:00)
If all 4 of us get in, there are still 4 spots.
RHY3756547 wrote:
Can I beta test?
I can notice bugs easily and have a good knowledge of how to fix things.
adriangl wrote:
Sign me up!
I want to beta test because I have a lot of free time( ) and I love the Xenotype OSes
Penguinsrock wrote:
I sign up.
I'd like to because I always wanted to be those people, who get a first glance on something. It feels great to help other people with their work, and be part of it too. I loved the preview, and it seems great. And I'm also on pretty much everyday for a couple of hours, so I tons of time on my hands.
cocoanut wrote:
Ooh, I sign up because I want to see it early
08jackt wrote:
ill sign up!!! (who didn't see that coming )
Yes. You are all in.
Need 10 now. The guide brothers are automatically in.
Last edited by fg123 (2010-01-12 20:26:30)
I'm really good at thorough testing. I try every possible option to a program, especially OS's. This makes me really good at noticing bugs. I also know a thing or two about scratch, and probably will be able to fix minor/moderate glitches without trouble.
So, yeah, I'll beta test if you'll have me.
Thanks for adding me, fg123! I really appreciate it.
I never applied... hmmm. So, thanks as well for considering me worthy to be in your group.
Last edited by Jonathanpb (2010-01-14 04:24:41)
Jonathanpb wrote:
Thanks for adding me, fg123! I really appreciate it.
I never applied... hmmm. So, thanks as well for considering me worthy to be in your group.
Meh. You can tell me if you don't want to.
Chrischb wrote:
I'm so honored.
I'll take that as a Thank You so You're welcome.
May I beta test it? I always like yours better than SynOS (no lie, his stuff was sorta weird)
samurai768 wrote: yours better than SynOS (no lie, his stuff was sorta weird)
May I know why you think it's weird?
banana500 wrote:
I would definetly beta test it. How about you put the tests on your test account and we beta testers can look at it...
I'll post a link to the zip file on your project.
fg123 wrote:
samurai768 wrote: yours better than SynOS (no lie, his stuff was sorta weird)
May I know why you think it's weird?
banana500 wrote:
I would definetly beta test it. How about you put the tests on your test account and we beta testers can look at it...
I'll post a link to the zip file on your project.
I is exicted to get the beta version.
fg123 wrote:
Lucario621 wrote:
Sure I'll beta test.
08jackt had no reason lol...