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#1 2010-01-10 18:14:29

Registered: 2009-11-26
Posts: 13

Join Dragon Cuties!

Seems like it's just about plain cuteness huh? It's not! OwO You adopt your own dragon, click it, and get other people to click to "feed" them, then you can wait for them to level up. ^w^ I have 2 eggs that are special. If you can get either one to become a dragonling, you get a promo code to get a special egg. Link to site-( P.S. How do you make little ad things, and when you click on them, they become links to a place?
You to chicken to click my eggs, huh?



#2 2010-01-10 18:17:55

Registered: 2009-09-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: Join Dragon Cuties!

I'll join because I'm such a dragon cutie
All my friends call me that all the time.
Just joking The rules of the internet:
1) Every woman is a man    2) Every man is a child    3) Every child is an FBI agent                                        I have psychopathic tendencies. Be afraid



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