See the title above.
Basically there is no way to import or create internally a sprite where you can actually centre up the rotation centre.
Making a tetris game is very trying because of this rofl.
I'll try and get around it via a clever use of pixels, i hope!
Please fix a.s.a.p.
Easy to replicate, simply create a square or circle. Then try adjusting the centre of rotation. It's close but it's not quite right.
You can set the rotation center by doing the following:
1. Click on the sprite.
2. Click on the costumes tab.
3. Click on the costume you want to change
4. Click on "edit" button.
5. Click on the "set rotation center" button underneath the color palette.
6. Move with your mouse the axis and place it where you want it.
7. Click OK.
Thanks for theinfo Andrew.
However my problem is a little different.
Make a sprite. Make it 20 x 20 for intstance. A Square or circle will do.
Now load the sprite and edit it. Now try and make the centre of rotation sit in the middle of the sprite. I have found this can't be done. The centre of rotation doesn't correctly align in either the X or y Axis. Zoom in as far as you can and try and exacly centre the rotation. It simply will not align.
This appears to be a bug that while not really an issue for most games and sprites, is however a pain when trying to make a tetris style game.
This appears to be an actual bug with scratch.
The rotation center crosshairs are shown going through the "center" of the pixel that will be the rotation center.
If you can't get rotation to work for you, you could use four costumes for each tetris piece and switch between them (without changing the sprite's direction). Or are you doing that already?
-- John
Apologies folks, you seem to be missing the point i'm trying to make.
Go and make a square, make it 20 x 20 pixels.
Now click the centre of rotation button in the edit window.
Next, zoom into max level.
Now try and align the centre of rotation perfectly with the centre of the square.
You won't be able to. You can get close but not dead centre.
Please try it for yourselves to confirm what I am saying is true. It appears to be a bug as far as I can tell.
I'll post a picure later to clarify this once and for all.
Thanks for the answers folks, much appreciated. It's good to know the community is always looking for ways to help.
The answer was there, but you are talking past each other.
A 20x20 sprite does not *have* a center pixel---its center is between two pixels, but the center of rotation is set to be centered on a pixel.
A 21x21 symmetric sprite can have its center set correctly, but a 20x20 cannot.
I agree with Amblin that this is an unnecessary restriction in scratch---rotation centers should be on half-integers not integers.