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Try searching the current Scratch discussion forums.

#1 2009-12-22 03:47:36

Registered: 2008-07-24
Posts: 1000+

Help Desk

I got the idea from Wikipedia... if you really can't find an answer to something, just ask it here and wait for a reply!

Note: Please don't ask for help every time you have a little bit of curiosity; that would overload us.

Anyone can help! Just try and give the right answer, but the question relates to opinion, be careful that you don't assume you're right.

Also, don't feel bad if someone corrects you.

Here's a link to the FAQ forum.


The archives are for checking previous questions to see if yours has already been answered. Please check for new questions before asking one.

Now enjoy!  smile

Last edited by Chrischb (2009-12-22 04:08:19)

I fall: It's a tragedy. You fall: It's comedy.
Hmph enjoy your fall - I get a lovely spring... without pans of new leaves.



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