Is there a version of Scratch for the XO Laptop that supports Lego WeDo?
I know Peru is doing a pilot experience with WeDo in the XO, The software was developed by Lego. I will find out and let you know.
When do you expect the WeDo version of Scratch on the OLPC XO to be available? It would also be cool if Scratch on the XO supported the built in camera and sound input.
My little "robotics" shop sells "We Do" and I did ask the UK Lego Dacta person who deals with Lego in the classroom about Scratch and "We Do" but he could not provide an answer. It would be very nice to be able to combine Scratch and We Do.
Hello, RisaF,
Which version of Scratch do you use on your XO?
I think the latest public version is v12.
And it seems the code for WeDo is not included in v12.
Kazuhiro Abe
Just downloaded Scratch 1.4 on the XO laptop. It has motor blocks and tilt and distance sensing blocks but it won't turn on the Lego Wedo motor. Nor do the sensors work. Am I missing something?
Emilianodelau wrote:
Just downloaded Scratch 1.4 on the XO laptop. It has motor blocks and tilt and distance sensing blocks but it won't turn on the Lego Wedo motor. Nor do the sensors work. Am I missing something?
I found Scratch 20100321 on the Sugar web site. Did you install it?
It's based on 1.4 but it doesn't have WeDoPlugin file.
I found other versions on the John's page.
The latest version is Scratch-16.xo on June 17. It seems an experimental version but I can use WeDo with it on my XO-1.
You need some additional work after install it.
Open Terminal activity and execute the following commands.
cd /home/olpc/Activities/Scratch.activities
sudo ./
mv WeDoPlugin-disabled WeDoPlugin
Then connect your WeDo to your XO and restart it. Motor blocks will appear automatically when you start Scratch activity.
Please notice do it as your own risk.
Kazuhiro Abe
Last edited by abee (2010-06-30 04:52:36)