Hmmm... only three submissions!
Mine (Jonathanpb's)
Lucario621's (which is post 36 on this topic)
Isn't anyone else going to submit anything?
Um... when's the deadline?
I think I'll give it a shot.
If you don't know about RPGs, you're living under a rock. RPG stands for Role Playing Game. Now, as I tell you this, you think about games on the Wii, XBOX, and PS3. There's much more to it than that. On scratch, people too make RPGs along with various other games and animations.
That's what I have for now. I'll add on too it later.
Hello? When's the deadline? I want to know when you're going to start.
Can someone please tell me when the blog will be posted?
Honestly, don't you check for any more submissions? If you did, you would have seen my posts...
Jonathanpb wrote:
Um... when's the deadline?
Jonathanpb wrote:
Hello? When's the deadline? I want to know when you're going to start.
Jonathanpb wrote:
Can someone please tell me when the blog will be posted?
So... when?
Yay, a response!
I'm excited.
Um... what do you mean by "to start the new year"? It's the 7th and I haven't seen anything...
Thanks everyone for submissions. I finally had the time read the submissions, pick one and post it on the blog! I hope to see more submissions in the future. It would be great to have a steady group of guest bloggers. Feel free to suggest topics for the next one.
Scratch on!
I think i can do the RPG games article I've been on scratch since...pretty sure it was november 2008 (hmm...that is not so long) I met/found scratch at the astrofestival in Oslo in november 2008 where i got a quick tutorial and i downloaded it the next day^^
I think i am skilled enough to take that article
current company: not named yet.....
Just wondering, is this still going on?
I could do it! I am an 07'er and I no everything there is to know about the community. And just so you know, I have indeed gotten a few notifications but I vow to be good from now on so yay!
I know a lot about companies as I've been in several of them in the past. I could write an article about companies if you'd like. I actually began writing one when there was an issue with the window for some reason, and all of my text disappeared; so I apologize for not having a small excerpt posted here. I'll get it finished as soon as possible but it's late and i'm a little pressed for time. Sorry, but I just wanted to get my name in here so that everyone is aware.
PlayWithFire wrote:
I know a lot about companies as I've been in several of them in the past. I could write an article about companies if you'd like. I actually began writing one when there was an issue with the window for some reason, and all of my text disappeared; so I apologize for not having a small excerpt posted here. I'll get it finished as soon as possible but it's late and i'm a little pressed for time. Sorry, but I just wanted to get my name in here so that everyone is aware.
Great! As far as I know, Andresmh is still interested in having more guest bloggers so I'm happy to see that there are still people that want to write articles. Or, in the words of Andres:
andresmh wrote:
I hope to see more submissions in the future. It would be great to have a steady group of guest bloggers. Feel free to suggest topics for the next one.
Scratch on!
So feel free to suggest your own topics too
So, this is like a long rant on something? I could do that
What's the topic?
Good day andres! As coolstuff just mentioned, I also did not notice this topic, but I will be glad to write for you! I have been on scratch for almost 3 years, so pretty much since the beginning, and I really like to write extensive articles about interesting things like scratch. I really don't have any ideas for a submission I could write, but if someone thinks of one I would be willing to write!
I would LOVE to do that if the place is not already taken.
1 Reason I would be a good person to do that:
My grandparents wrote more than one book, my dad also helped edit it, so I could have him check it and before you know it you have yourself an article that's edited REALLY well.
Right now I am in a hurry so I can't research and find the answers but I will post that later.
Thank you!
If you have some topics you would like to write about let me know! I'd be happy to review them. Some topics I'd like to read more about from your perspective are:
1. Remixing. What are the different types and motivations to remix? What does remixing help people learn? What do you think of the new remix visualization? How important do you think is it to get credit when someone remixes someone's work? What if that someone is not part of the Scratch community or is a large corporation? How do you think the ideas on this video apply to Scratch?
2. Social learning and social creation. The role of the Scratch website in your process of learning to use Scratch. What sort of things has the Scratch website helped you and others learn? What wouldn't have been possible for you and others to do without the website? What things are problematic about the website? How would you make them better? What would you keep? How have you changed as a result of participating on the website?
3. What collaborations have you seen on the website that you think are interesting? Why are they interesting? What are the different types of collaborations you have seen? Which ones do you like? Which ones do you wish to see less and more? How does the website support collaboration? How does it prevent collaboration?
4. How does the Scratch website compare to other websites you and your friends like? What does the Scratch website provide you? What do you think of the current state of the Web at large when it comes to websites for young creators?
5. Reflections on the Scratch Stats page
i'll write one on collaboration. when do you need them done by?