I got on scratch today, and guess what? Sombody had blocked me. Before, he/she had commented on one of my projects. Paddle2See had commented, and the person had wanted to tell Paddle somthing, but he/she commented on my project meaning to talk to Paddle. So I replied to him/her by repling by saying "I'm not Paddle2See, I'm coolperson. I think you meant to reply to Paddle's comment, but you commented on my project." And guess what happens next? I'm blocked. I think that things like this happen too much in scratch, and it should be stopped. Any ideas?
Well, it looks like you've gotten into a sticky situation here. It's probably the user that you are talking to.
It's probably a misunderstanding. Tell the Scratch Team by clicking 'Contact Us' at the bottom of each page. However, the Scratch Team looks at each block to make sure it is okay.
Last edited by Greatdane (2009-11-25 11:04:08)
Good advice. What I've decided to do though, is just ignore it. I perfer to not deal with stuff like that via scratch.
You shouldn't have gotten blocked for that...
blocked in what way? ignore blocked? or blocked as in banned blocked?
markyparky56 wrote:
blocked in what way? ignore blocked? or blocked as in banned blocked?
I think he means that he was put on someone's ignore list.