Draw a guy by pressing the butten with a pen on it and draw the guy that you want to play in your game then when you have finiched click on OK .Then click on it and click on it and drag in these blocks .
<when green flag clicked>
<forever if>
<when green flag clicked>
<forever if>
Now you should have a guy that you can control when you press the green flage .
Then click on the box with the pen on it and draw a background.
Then click on OK and now you should have a background with a guy that you can control .
<when green flag clicked><forever if><left arrow clicked><change x by(-5)
<when green flag clicked><forever if><right arrow clicked><change x by(5)
<when green flag clicked>
<forever if>
<key[right arrow]pressed?>
<set{X VELOCITY}to(5)
<change x by(<{x velocity}>
<when green flag clicked>
<forever if>
<key[left arrow]pressed?>
<set{X VELOCITY}to(-5)
<change x by(<{x velocity}>
go coocoo