Well actually not so far that I know of unless you we're to create a very big complex list of scripts and variables Others may have discovered a secret though
This is in the right place by the way it could also be in troubleshooting
This is best in All About Scratch cause it's asking a question, not having a problem.
*has some RootBeer instead so he won't get drunk. *
But they aren't very similar.
Troubleshooting is when you're having problems with something, for instance, Scratch.
The All About section is here for questions about Scratch.
I'm not really sure but you only need about 8 bullet sprites for a decent machine gun.
Heiberger wrote:
I dont know if this i the right place to ask this, but i would like to know if there is any way to broadcast mutliple bullets without duplicating the bullet sprite a hundred time...
Yes, you only need as many sprites as you want displayed on the screen at one time. You recycle them. Here's a sample project you might find useful:
Heiberger wrote:
Yeah I guess I got carried away with the hundred..but I was just wondering if there was a way you could do it with one bullet sprite
No i don't think so
maybe someway where you stamp a costume and glide to mouse pointer when clicked
I would start simple, get stuff working, then elaborate on already good code.
As for the bullets, it depends on how you want them to act in your game. Will they bounce randomly? If so, each bullet must be a separate sprite. Will they come out of the gun in a straight line or at different angles depending on player aim and/or movement? A straight line of bullets that all terminate at the same spot could be done far easier than multiply pathed bullets. And if they bounce too... that that is going to add a lot of overhead to Scratch and slow it down quickly, depending on how many potential max bullets could be on the screen at one time. Not to mention a lot of reflection coding depending on what all you want the bullets to be able to bounce off of.
I'd start pick as simple a version as I could live with and start there. You can always improve on it later when you have a better idea or someone suggests one.
Last edited by Locomule (2009-10-08 17:42:24)