It is to share unfinished versions of your project that you don't want clogging up your main profile.
demosthenes wrote:
It is to share unfinished versions of your project that you don't want clogging up your main profile.
Or to put your online tests of larger games
(This is hinting towards you and God's Quest 2, demosthenes)
Thanks. I made one
Test accounts are mainly to show the communtity what you are working on. If you don't want a quadrillion demos on your main account, you move them to a test account. Test accounts are also good for uploading your not-so-good projects.
See illusiont_extra for my test account.
I never upload demos or half-finished projects... so I don't need a test account.
Paddle2See has something similar... his other account is Paddle2SeeFixit. He uses the account to help other people (like downloading a project that has a problem, finds the bug and fixes it, and then uploads the fixed project for the person to get), but he also uses it for tests and not-so-good (in his opinion) projects.
weswesrock wrote:
demosthenes wrote:
It is to share unfinished versions of your project that you don't want clogging up your main profile.
Or to put your online tests of larger games
(This is hinting towards you and God's Quest 2, demosthenes)
Yes, yes it is My profile would be very clogged with little fixes without my testing account
Thanks you guys. I made one check out my username.
illusionist wrote:
Test accounts are mainly to show the communtity what you are working on. If you don't want a quadrillion demos on your main account, you move them to a test account. Test accounts are also good for uploading your not-so-good projects.
See illusiont_extra for my test account.
QUADRILLION= hyperbole