what-the wrote:
theThomasG wrote:
However much RAM you have I don't think you have less than me. I have 512 MB. I also have a 697 MHZ Single Core computer that is running XP. I wonder why I am not complaining?
I have 1024MB of RAM ( + 5GB vitual which makes 6GB in total) and a dual core (2.31Ghz) but the computer is 3 years old.
If you want to sound good when your saying that, just say you have 1gb of ram, because that is what 1gb is,
1 bit
8 bits = 1byte
1024 bytes = 1kb
1024 kb = 1 mb
1024 mb = 1 gb
1024 gb = 1tb
1024 tb = 1nb (1 nano bite)
and thats all i know...
Edit: Bits not bites
Last edited by markyparky56 (2009-12-19 10:13:04)
markyparky56 wrote:
what-the wrote:
theThomasG wrote:
However much RAM you have I don't think you have less than me. I have 512 MB. I also have a 697 MHZ Single Core computer that is running XP. I wonder why I am not complaining?
I have 1024MB of RAM ( + 5GB vitual which makes 6GB in total) and a dual core (2.31Ghz) but the computer is 3 years old.
If you want to sound good when your saying that, just say you have 1gb of ram, because that is what 1gb is,
1 bite
8 bites = 1byte
1024 bytes = 1kb
1024 kb = 1 mb
1024 mb = 1 gb
1024 gb = 1tb
1024 tb = 1nb (1 nano bite)
and thats all i know...
Any way you say it it really sounds fine. It is just you would use your list if you wanted to be more in general.
filo5 wrote:
it's bit, not bite...
Actually in this case, BYTE
filo5 wrote:
it's bit, not bite...
Yup! I searched it up! You are very knowledgeable!
i changed it before you put that up, but yeah, 8 bits = 1 byte
wait, let me do a calculation for how many bits there are in a terrabyte
i think it is: 24576, don't think thats right...
ill try again.
This is more likely
There are 879609302208 bits in a terrabyte!
Enough about math.
coolio... 4 days till Christmas! I hope iv got at least 1 of the programing book! hopefully the python or J# then i might be able to write a viewer for emerald, after iv learn it of course, iv got the VJ#, but don't know it.
Iv got a J++ book, but i think its kinda outdated.
I'm on my new computer, almsot 3 times as much hard disk space, better proccesor, way better graphics card. And it just looks awesome!
Plus my dads got a spare 200gb hard disk if i need it.
Yes. But there is a Visual J# by microsoft.
J++ and J# have been replaced by C++ and C# for the most part. (The .NET versions anyway)
gershmer wrote:
J++ and J# have been replaced by C++ and C# for the most part. (The .NET versions anyway)
But J# is the C# of the internet, which i plan to use to make the online viewer, thoug it would help to see if i could get my hands on the code for the Scratch Applet. to see how it works and if it can be replicated to work with the emerlad coding.
cds56 wrote:
it shouldn't be that hard, the syntax in java and J# are close, and C++ and java's are even closer.
java was meant to be an easier version of C++, that was cross-platform. my dad is a java programmer for a company called lexmark. i know more than the average joe about it.
( i still can't program in it, scriping languages are BETTER!!! )
Yes , I know that Java is meant to be an easier version of c++
but also requiring the JVM to develop stuff instead of plain executables is just plain irritatin.
the only redeeming factor is applets.
which can be developed for free(alternative to 500- 700 $ for flash)
but C++ is STILL better
We need to make our own Applet for "Meow" ( Marvellous Editor Of Wonder xD ) not use Scratch's. Gershmer, do you have MySql support?