Kileymeister: Yes, it isn't case sensitive, so you could type:
ask ASK aSk asK ASk aSK Ask AsK
And many others, so you won't need to worry about how you type it, unlike other programming languages, you are REQUIRED at ALL times to make sure every bit is typed correctly, so Emerald allows you to type comfortably.
Gershmer: I'm not sure, maybe one for each version:
Emerald 0.2: ... Emerald 0.3 ... Opal 0.3: ...
How about implementing a button somewhere which brings up the help thing?!
CPPE 0.2.5
new function:
answer function, a subfunction of print, lists out the questions, and you input a number(line no. ) and it sets the print for that line to print out the question. relatively useless, but I'm going to do the same thing for the answers too.
still workin on it.
I'll post the program in a bit.
discovered a glitch. My answer database can only store one answer at a time.
and to get the answer to a question, you must first answer it in RUN. so actually, you are assigning a constant variable. every time you answer a question!
I'm well on my way to getting variables now!
eu, the list<string> thing didnt work.
but i already had a way of dumping the string values.
I just can't quite get the erm uh. get the program to read anything other than Chars from the or filestr.getline or filestr.
Welllll, i can get it to read to a CHAR * array, but i don't think theres a way to conver that to a string array.
I'd like help from someone who know some io magic.
or at least how to read data into a string array.
Char array can be converted to string (string is in fact an array of characters). List<string> is a .NET-specific thing, same as StringCollection. What are you doing it in anyway? Can you post source code?
this is getting hard to follow. lol.
Im wondering, really. If magnie can program in any language if she has the basics. Why not go find the source code to a python program with a GUI, and reverse program it? How hards that?
Not at all. In fact, reverse engineering is one of most popular methods to learn how to program. If you know the basics, decompile a thing (.py python doesn't have to be decompiled, .pyc is easy to do so) and you can learn from there. If a project is open source, you don't have to decompile.
I personally learned C# on my own basis, often just googling for things, but mostly on my own. Oh well, I also looked at done things, but mostly just... programmed.
I did post the source. on gershmer's ftp site, along with the bins, here:
choose CPPE 0.2.7
I guess I should have posted the .vcproj files too, but i wasnt thinking about that.
oh, btw, i dont know how compatable my source'll be with Vcpp2008 or earlier.
I'm using the beta of 2010.
why hasn't cds56 been named as one of the group yet?
markyparky56 wrote:
why hasn't cds56 been named as one of the group yet?
CPPE isn't complete yet, that's why.
Oh yeah, we have more than 10,000 views on this thread.
Emerald is supposed to be in Python, we are not moving to another language unless it helps us all.
And to the fact that the existing Emerald team members are mostly fluent in python or C#.
And, CPPE is 250 lines of code in C++.
And although C# and C++ are similar, C++ is a tad more complex.
Also, to join the dev squad, I'd need to make a good improvement in Python, or C#. But my C# is basic, and I don't have much free time with school and stuff lately.
And CPPE is in very active development, and I'm more occupied by it.
markyparky56 wrote:
this is getting hard to follow. lol.
Im wondering, really. If magnie can program in any language if she has the basics. Why not go find the source code to a python program with a GUI, and reverse program it? How hards that?
Magnie's a he.
That's the Second ( or Third ) time you've called me a she, Marky! xD
gershmer wrote:
markyparky56 wrote:
why hasn't cds56 been named as one of the group yet?
CPPE isn't complete yet, that's why.
Neither is Emerald+ or Emerald. yes, cppe is only in V0.2.something but its getting there!
And, sorry magnie, i must've missed it when you said you were a guy, *face palm*
fg123 wrote:
Magnie's a he.
I never knew that.
I've been doing s/he everytime I needed a pronoun.