1. In addition to the my webpage on the school server, I have a teacher folder on the student server where I can but things that I don't want to share with the world. The students have permission to go into this folder. There are hidden folders that the students can't normally see. In Scratch 1.0.2, these folders are visible and the students can go into them.
Any thoughts why?
I have a feeling this is linked to the Networking and User Rights postings on this board. Something to do with the way Scratch accesses the file system bypasses or ignores file attributes. Not sure but seems very similar.
This is a fundamental flaw. The guys behind Scratch have broken very basic rules governing the msft programming API - and in so doing have unwittingly introduced a bi-pass to the desk top security system.
I do hope someone at Srcatch is reading these posts - and are making this their very top priority. I see all manner of legal issues with children being exposed to 'adult' content in shared environments - or gaining access to data about other children.
It is such a shame - as this is in all other regards a wonderful concept that has masses of potential.
IT Professional