I made it possible to control a robot named "MYUROBO" from ScratchSource 1.3.1.
MYUROBO is a kit sold in Japan about 2500-4500 yen ($30-40).
It's expandable and easy to use from some languages. BASIC, DOLITTLE (a kind of Object Oriented LOGO) and Assembler.
Here is a zip file that includes image, sample projects and others:
And a screenshot is here:
You can find additional blocks in motion category of stage.
This image includes joystick extension it enables to use typical gamepad too,
Have fun!
Kazuhiro Abe
Very cool! It looks somewhat similar to the WeDo feature in that it uses a tether. But the price is much more attractive.
Nice! Looks great. I think Scratch offers a lot of possibilities for robot control, if we can just get the interface to the real world simplified a bit. I'm also looking forward to playing with the WeDo eventually...
Thank you all.
There are many reason of Scratch's success, easy to use, sharing idea, and etc. I think one important reason is free to use.
As we know, physical computing that interacting with real and virtual world is very interesting. Unfortunately, no hardware devices are free. WeDo is a great one. I love it. But it's little expensive for kids. ("I can't buy it with my pocket!")
So we need more cheaper and primitive devices, I think. MYUROBO is an example.
BTW, I attached a webcam to my MYUROBO.
Here is a movie taken by it.
It's very fun! If ScratchSource 1.4 is released in the future, we'll be able to do many things with it.
Kazuhiro Abe
Hello, Abee
Control "MYUROBO" using Keyboard and Joystick is fun!. I think "Controlling Robot using Keyboard and Joystick" is good start to program autonomous robot or physical computing.
I agree your opinions about cheaper and primitive devices. It is importance to children and educational point.
In Korea, PicoBoard does not sell in shop. If sell the PicoBoard, It's expensive due to import charges and extra. So children need 'localization' and 'open source hardware'. For example, GoGoboard(http://web.media.mit.edu/~arnans/research.html#research%20projects) and Helloboard(http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?id=16823).
Abee, I translate Rtoys (http://squeaksource.com/Rtoys.html MYUROBO programming library for Etoys) to Scratch1.3.1. But It works only Smalltalk not Scratch Block. I'll study your "MYUROBO extension" and I adapt It. B-)
This is screenshot.
This is ScratchSource1.3.1 Image for stored programming in MYUROBO.
Donghee Park
Last edited by dongheepark (2009-09-03 17:08:21)
I can't really figure out exactly what the myurobo includes, since I can't find an English version of the specs, but (and abee can probably correct me) it looks like a microprocessor (PIC16F688, I think) + motor controllers for 2-4 motors + a usb interface + DC motors. The price is pretty good, if that's the case, because if you were to make this with Arduino and a motor controller shield, it would be quite a bit more expensive. Of course, the Arduino has a large number of inputs/outputs.
Last edited by chalkmarrow (2009-09-03 17:56:41)
Hi, chalkmarrow,
Your explanation is almost correct. User can choose PIC16F630 or PIC16F688. PIC16F630 is cheaper but limited functions. And an USB-Serial converter cable is not included in a kit. But PicoBoard's cable is usable for it.
Arduino's AVR chip is more powerful than PIC. And there are many users, examples and applications for it. But it's a little expensive as you said. We should choose devices by the purpose.
Kazuhiro Abe
Hi, dongheepark
Wow, what a quick job! I think wrapping your Smalltalk code into Scratch block is very easy.
BTW, did you check the following page?
PicoBoard is able to make at very low cost. One Japanese guy did it with a bread board.
Kazuhiro Abe
Thanks, Abe.
I'll try to make scratch blocks. My code of MYUROBO library is not clean. If you have a propose, I love it.
I checked Sensor Board. In scratch day 2009 in SEOUL, Ho-jun Song made Helloboard that is clone of Picoboard. Check this thread.
In scratch day, Ho-jun have a take about "Sustainable Open Source Hardware Project" that is issue of making Helloboard in Korea.
This is slide of Ho-jun's speech.
Donghee Park
Thanks for the links, just getting into robotics now )