I think this would be a great idea for scratch-- it would make it more well known, and it could be free or 99 cents for the app! then you could have gravity tilt blocks, most of the regular blocks, and any other the scratch team would think fit for it.
post your view on what you think of this idea
The screen is too small. Also you probably have to pay money to create an iPod app and since Scratch was created by a bunch of guys in a media lab, not a world famous programming company, they probably don't have enough money.
Samsung have an old modification of Scratch that plays on Samsung and Nokia phones but it does not work on iphone. Does iphone have Java ? I could not browse scratch projects when I tried...
<switch to costume[ Hey iv been dieing to find a scratch app for my touch i think they should make one
recycle49 wrote:
<switch to costume[ Hey iv been dieing to find a scratch app for my touch i think they should make one
Sorry for the bump but they've made one.
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<broadcast[ lockpl0x
If you want to learn more about the iPhone Scratch app - you can read about it here