First I must say I love scratch. I'm no kid but a father of two with 25 years in computing and looking for a way to teach my son programming and this is really really great.
Anyhow, I'm just writing a quick 'chase' game whereby two sprites can be moved around by two users and get points if they catch the other.
All was going well till I tried pressing two keys at the same time for the two different sprites. It seems only only 1 gets the notification and keeps on getting it if the key is pressed. I would have expected that both events for the different keys gets pressed.
Am I pushing scratch beyond it's limits here?
Hi, I think you should use the II. construction, not the I.
Maybe, you would find using a 'wait 0.1 secs' block in 'forever if' useful (or else, use lower numbers when moving or turning).
Anyway, I also think that a special keyboard should be simulated in Scratch, which could accept more key pressing events at the same time (with construction I.).
Last edited by bernatp (2007-05-16 16:05:27)