Go read all about it there. And then, stop worrying about it.
Well, to be forum popular, make a lot of forum posts, but not just in the forum games, go everywhere. Use good grammar, and don't use inappropriate language. Also, if you can, help people on topics where they ask for it.
If you want to be popular on the main site, try advertising your projects in the Show and Tell section. There's another topic on here somewhere about how to advertise properly.
cooliokid wrote:
i am not popular like i want to be. what should i do?
Make a video of you doing something really stupid, then post it on YouTube.
(Think StarwarsKid kind of stupid.)
I dunno boltbait, starwarskid stupid just won't cut it with current youtube audiences. I suggest you spazz out like angry german kid. You will lose all self respect but at least you get attention and that is what is important right?
archmage wrote:
I suggest you spazz out like angry german kid. You will lose all self respect but at least you get attention and that is what is important right?
yes do this and get hated by th community and become infamous and not like any german kid would get offended too !And getting attention by doing this is not worth it !