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#1 2009-08-19 06:29:51

Registered: 2008-04-06
Posts: 5

A few suggestions

I checked out a few other game making programs and the gave me a few ideas for scratch, I'll just list them and where i got the idea from

One sprite= multiple items in-game or movie: I had an idea after checking out flash, if in the sprite section instead of just being there once you make it so you can drag it into the screen
e.g for a basic enemy in a game instead of making 23 you just need to program one and drag it into the screen.

Rooms: Whilst trying out Game Maker, I saw that it had a room system and well... I figured   it could be used pretty well in scratch, each room had a size the creator wanted it to have instead of 480X360 it could have 500X500 or larger, maybe smaller, but it would still view the average scratch size, and automatically scroll if too large.

Variables presented in gauge: once more, from game maker, anyway, this is simple, just make a gauge for the variable. Set maximum and what happens once it reaches a certain value
e.g   [if <health>25>}
       I  I
       [switch to costume [injured]
thats about it, if you have a response about this, don't say 'you can use a sprite as a gauge' I know that, I just figured that the gauge variable was a simpler alternative.



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