Some sugestions:
instead of "if touching <<object1> or <object2>>", to make groups, like a group called "enemies", so, "if touching <enemies>"
also, closest object
like, closest clone of... or closest object from group, etc.
blocks like "turn 23º towards <object1>"
maybe enable offscreen sprites?
legitimate stretch block
screen wrapping, instead of having 4 images moving simultaneously, have one that is used to cover the whole screen.We need less chipy BGs
the ability to set priority on scripts, really, "go to <object1>" and object one "go to<mouse>" makes object one be on the mouse, and object 2 tag along, one frame behind...
a "skip ( ) frames" block, sick of "wait 0.1 sec" and it's glitchynes...
graphical effects like "saturation" and "inverse hue". Inverse hue example: red-orange-yellow -> yellow orange red.
the ability to change not only the volume of individual sounds, but the how high/low a sound effect (mp3) is.
the ability to set points on sprites, like center is done through the costume editor, set an aditional one called "joint", so that you can make sprite point to it, instead of finding the coordinates of that point, making a pointer go there, then have the other sprite point to it.
Servers, as in, a separate project that coordinates players, so you'd have the game, and have seperatly a server that makes shure no one hacks nor cheats, or kicks players if they're inactive, etc. This would be VERY usefull.
That's all I can think up now, but many of these would simplify codes, make things easier for intermediates, and open posibilities to more advanced scratchers...
Uh... xlk, try posting your suggestions in the "Suggestions" (hence the name) forum. You can make your own topic so we can discuss your suggestions there.
This topic has a separate purpose, which is not for people to give suggestions.