And yes, again, despite of other protests. Again, the same users are taking over the front page. Look at this:
The same users still here
One kind of content flooding the channel
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woah, mustve taken you a long time to make that code
and also I agree
how did doody get top viewed?
oh cool
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At least a good game is on the front page (golfer3's and archmage's)... And the Scratch for newcomers... I just need a couple more loveits on my Stickman Animator and it will push Heroine Lisa or whatever off the front page!
You people have too much time if you can make something like those.
Last edited by The-Whiz (2009-07-24 13:22:58)
THe Scratch Team made a change to the frontpage so that one person could only cover up one spot on the front page at a time.
If this person just always has a spot, it's not a problem, they are just very popular and the view/loveIt counters still are correct. They aren't cheating are they?
Ok, I have to admit I also dislike those continues frontpage coverage by cats and hamsters - but OK, I know look at top Loved, top loved of all time, and search projects using tags. You can do so to - why is the front page so important for you? Do you have the feeling you just don't stand a chance to get it to the front page?
Create a good game, advertise it in your sig and in Show n Tell and you'll blast them off...